Venue: Arena Bonifika
Koper Primorska Koper | 86 : 98 | Split Split |
Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
24:29 | 16:24 | 32:23 | 14:22 |
Referees: Edo Javor, Vladimir Marić, Miodrag Lakićević
Team Stats - Offense, Season 2017/18
PRI | SPL | |
Ave. | Ave. | |
79.04 | Points | 84.05 |
33.5 | Rebounds | 29.86 |
8.63 | O. Rebounds | 8.5 |
24.88 | D. Rebounds | 21.36 |
19.42 | Assists | 20.82 |
6.92 | Steals | 8.36 |
2.5 | Blocks | 1.68 |
55.22 | 2PT | 57.1 |
35.99 | 3PT | 31.8 |
68.99 | FT | 74.53 |
87.33 | Index | 89.77 |
Team Stats - Defense, Season 2017/18
PRI | SPL | |
Ave. | Ave. | |
72.79 | Points | 83.23 |
30.96 | Rebounds | 32.09 |
9.13 | O. Rebounds | 9.41 |
21.83 | D. Rebounds | 22.68 |
14.67 | Assists | 19.77 |
6 | Steals | 6.5 |
1.67 | Blocks | 2.41 |
46.16 | 2PT | 58.19 |
32.46 | 3PT | 35.43 |
69.54 | FT | 70.62 |
69.13 | Index | 91.91 |
Player Stats, Season 2017/18
Čakarun Marjan | 15.54 |
King Shawn | 15.32 |
Ferme Tadej | 11.91 |
Čakarun Marjan | 15.54 |
King Shawn | 15.32 |
Ferme Tadej | 11.91 |
Kedžo Mateo | 18.89 |
Scott Michaelyn Duane | 16.18 |
Filipović Goran | 12.45 |
Kedžo Mateo | 18.89 |
Scott Michaelyn Duane | 16.18 |
Filipović Goran | 12.45 |
Mulalić Mirko | 12.96 |
Ferme Tadej | 12.86 |
Čakarun Marjan | 12.5 |
Mulalić Mirko | 12.96 |
Ferme Tadej | 12.86 |
Čakarun Marjan | 12.5 |
Kedžo Mateo | 14.79 |
Scott Michaelyn Duane | 13.5 |
Širko Henrik | 11.36 |
Kedžo Mateo | 14.79 |
Scott Michaelyn Duane | 13.5 |
Širko Henrik | 11.36 |
King Shawn | 8.59 |
Čakarun Marjan | 6.58 |
Gorbachov Maksim | 4 |
King Shawn | 8.59 |
Čakarun Marjan | 6.58 |
Gorbachov Maksim | 4 |
Kedžo Mateo | 5.05 |
Marčinković Pavle | 4.19 |
Šundov Bruno | 4 |
Kedžo Mateo | 5.05 |
Marčinković Pavle | 4.19 |
Šundov Bruno | 4 |
Vujasinović Daniel | 4.55 |
Rebec Matic | 4.36 |
Joksimović Nebojša | 3.71 |
Vujasinović Daniel | 4.55 |
Rebec Matic | 4.36 |
Joksimović Nebojša | 3.71 |
Scott Michaelyn Duane | 4.68 |
Filipović Goran | 3.95 |
Kalajžić Mate | 3.29 |
Scott Michaelyn Duane | 4.68 |
Filipović Goran | 3.95 |
Kalajžić Mate | 3.29 |
Vujasinović Daniel | 1.09 |
Rebec Matic | 1.09 |
Zupan Nejc | 0.87 |
Vujasinović Daniel | 1.09 |
Rebec Matic | 1.09 |
Zupan Nejc | 0.87 |
Scott Michaelyn Duane | 1.86 |
Kalajžić Mate | 1.52 |
Širko Henrik | 1.32 |
Scott Michaelyn Duane | 1.86 |
Kalajžić Mate | 1.52 |
Širko Henrik | 1.32 |
King Shawn | 1.41 |
Zupan Nejc | 0.61 |
Mulalić Mirko | 0.26 |
King Shawn | 1.41 |
Zupan Nejc | 0.61 |
Mulalić Mirko | 0.26 |
Najev Filip | 0.55 |
Kedžo Mateo | 0.26 |
Širko Henrik | 0.23 |
Najev Filip | 0.55 |
Kedžo Mateo | 0.26 |
Širko Henrik | 0.23 |
Head-to-head records in Regional Leagues
Home team
Away team
SplitKoper Primorska | |
Home record vs. Split: | 1:1 |
Away record vs. Split: | 2:0 |
Record vs. Split at neutral venue: | 0:0 |
Split | |
Home record vs. Koper Primorska: | 0:2 |
Away record vs. Koper Primorska: | 1:1 |
Record vs. Koper Primorska at neutral venue: | 0:0 |
Results in Regional Leagues
Moštvo Sixta Primorske je pred sklepnim delom rednega dela Druge divizije Lige ABA že povsem blizu uvrstitvi na zaključni turnir četverice. Priložnost za novo zmago, dvanajsto v regionalnem tekmovanju, bodo imeli Primorci v 16. kolu, ko v Areno Bonifika prihaja Split.
Kljub dejstvu, da je Sixt Primorske zadnjič, ko je stopila na parket morala priznati premoč Rogaški, tudi udeleženki Druge divizije Lige ABA v sezoni 2017/18, pa primorski »tigri« ostajajo trdno zasidrani na vrhu lestvice Lige Nova KBM. Z enajstimi zmagami v petnajstih kolih so na vrhu lestvice tudi v Ligi ABA 2, z enakim številom zmag pa sledi Borac iz Čačka.
Jurica Golemac, glavni trener Sixt Primorske:
"Pred nami je tekma z zelo nevarno ekipo Splita, ki velja za izredno talentirano moštvo in iz tekme v tekmo dviguje raven svoje pripravljenosti ter igrajo vse bolje in bolje. Zagotovo ne čutijo rezultatskega pritiska, zato lahko igrajo sproščeno. Mi bomo morali na parketu dati vse od sebe, še posebej to velja za igro v obrambi, da pridemo do zmage, ki nas ohranja v boju za zaključni turnir Druge divizije Lige ABA."
Marijan Čakarun, igralec Sixt Primorske:
"Split je odlično sestavljena ekipa, ki spada v sam vrh Druge divizije Lige ABA. V moštvi imajo kar nekaj igralcev, ki lahko povzročijo precej težav vsakemu moštvu, mi pa bomo dali vse od sebe, da ostanemo na vrhu lestvice."
U 16. kolu druge ABA lige Split gostuje u Kopru kod ekipe Sixt Primorske.
Ivica Skelin, trener Splita:
„Igramo kod prve momčadi lige, vidjeli smo i na Gripama njihovu snagu, a sada imaju i novog igrača, slovenskog reprezentativca Matica Rebeca, jači su nego u prvoj utakmici kada smo igrali s njima. Mi moramo gledati našu igru, do sada smo na gostovanjima pokazivali dva lica, ili smo bili jako blizu ili gubili velikom razlikom. Ovaj prvi scenarij moramo ponoviti. Za pobijediti u ligi koja je izrazito domaćinska, treba imati igru i puno više samopouzdanja i mirnoće u ključnim trenucima.“
Mario Špaleta, igrač Splita:
„Primorska nas je jedina dobila na našem terenu. Idemo vratiti tu pobjedu. Dosta smo utakmica na gostovanjima nesretno izgubili, očito je da moramo pružiti još više, dati više energije i borbenosti nego do sada.“
Koper Primorska
overall | FG2 | FG3 | FT | Rebs | Blck | Foul | Points from | |||||||||||||||||||||
Min | Pts | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | D | O | T | Ass | St | To | Fv | Ag | Cm | Rv | Paint | 2ndCh | FstBr | +/- | Val | ||
0 | Rebec M. * | 22:33 | 16 | 66.7 | 4 | 4 | 100 | 2 | 5 | 40 | 2 | 3 | 66.7 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 11 | 6 | 0 | 4 | -1 | 22 |
1 | Ferme T. | 10:06 | 6 | 20 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 33.3 | 3 | 4 | 75 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 3 | -9 | 4 |
6 | Čakarun M. * | 22:59 | 10 | 50 | 3 | 6 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 7 | 57.1 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 1 | 2 | -20 | 12 |
7 | Joksimović N. * | 22:01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -16 | -8 |
9 | Mulalić M. * | 34:30 | 21 | 58.3 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 2 | 3 | 66.7 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 5 | -7 | 19 |
11 | Kosi J. | 04:34 | 2 | 100 | 1 | 1 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | -2 | -1 |
12 | Zupan N. * | 30:48 | 16 | 55.6 | 3 | 4 | 75 | 2 | 5 | 40 | 4 | 4 | 100 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 0 | -12 | 16 |
20 | Hodžić A. | 18:10 | 7 | 66.7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 66.7 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 6 |
22 | Vujasinović D. | 12:39 | 4 | 100 | 1 | 1 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 66.7 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | -5 | 8 |
33 | King S. | 21:40 | 4 | 50 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 12 |
34 | Morina G. | 00:00 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Glas G. | 00:00 |
Team Compare
overall | FG2 | FG3 | FT | Rebs | Blck | Foul | Points from | |||||||||||||||||||||
Min | Pts | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | D | O | T | Ass | St | To | Fv | Ag | Cm | Rv | Paint | 2ndCh | FstBr | +/- | Val | ||
Koper Primorska | 200:00 | 86 | 50.9 | 15 | 24 | 62.5 | 12 | 29 | 41.4 | 20 | 28 | 71.4 | 20 | 8 | 28 | 13 | 4 | 12 | 4 | 1 | 25 | 27 | 26 | 14 | 14 | -12 | 90 | |
Split | 200:00 | 98 | 51.5 | 29 | 49 | 59.2 | 6 | 19 | 31.6 | 22 | 29 | 75.9 | 23 | 12 | 35 | 17 | 8 | 6 | 1 | 4 | 28 | 25 | 46 | 16 | 12 | 12 | 106 |
overall | FG2 | FG3 | FT | Rebs | Blck | Foul | Points from | |||||||||||||||||||||
Min | Pts | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | D | O | T | Ass | St | To | Fv | Ag | Cm | Rv | Paint | 2ndCh | FstBr | +/- | Val | ||
0 | Scott M. * | 36:33 | 35 | 61.9 | 9 | 12 | 75 | 4 | 9 | 44.4 | 5 | 7 | 71.4 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 12 | 0 | 4 | 12 | 41 |
6 | Kalajžić M. | 23:49 | 2 | 12.5 | 1 | 7 | 14.3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | -4 | -6 |
7 | Kedžo M. | 26:38 | 15 | 40 | 3 | 7 | 42.9 | 1 | 3 | 33.3 | 6 | 8 | 75 | 4 | 2 | 6 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 25 |
8 | Filipović G. * | 14:25 | 11 | 80 | 3 | 4 | 75 | 1 | 1 | 100 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 0 | 20 | 13 |
12 | Marčinković P. | 24:07 | 10 | 83.3 | 5 | 6 | 83.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 0 | 6 | 12 | 14 |
13 | Najev F. * | 14:43 | 10 | 57.1 | 4 | 7 | 57.1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 66.7 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 0 | 15 | 7 |
14 | Šundov B. | 00:00 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Jukić J. | 12:23 | 3 | 50 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 | -6 | 1 |
21 | Vrgoč I. * | 11:57 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 9 | 4 |
25 | Špaleta M. | 11:41 | 8 | 75 | 3 | 4 | 75 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 6 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 7 |
31 | Širko H. * | 23:44 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -2 | 0 |
44 | Galić R. | 00:00 |
FG2, FG3 - Field Goals
M - Made
Ag - Against
Rebs - Rebounds
St - Steals
FstBr - Fast break
FT - Free Throws
A - Attempted
Foul - Foul
D - Defensive
To - Turnover
Min - Minutes
Blck - Blocks
Cm - Committed
O - Offensive
Val - rank Value
Pts - Points
Fv - in Favoure of
Rv - Received
Ass - Assists
2ndCh - Second chance
Jurica Golemac, trener Sixt Primorske:
„Zaslužena zmaga Splita. Tekmo smo odprli povsem drugače, kot smo bili dogovorjeni. V napadu smo igrali premehko, obrambe pa sploh nismo igrali. Nikakor se nam ni uspelo vrniti v igro za zmago. V drugem polčasu smo sicer poskušali, a so bili gostje preprosto preveč razigrani. Najlepša hvala navijačem, ki so nas spodbujali do konca tekme. Moramo analizirat naše napake, časa za jok pa ni, saj nas že v soboto čaka nova tekma.“
Nebojša Joksimović, igralec Sixt Primorske:
„Vse čestitke košarkarjem Splita za prikazano igro. Predvsem imam tu v mislih igro v napadu, saj so delovali zelo dobro. Izkoristili so naše napake v obrambi, ki jih ponavadi ne delamo. Pojavljalo se je preveč situacij, v katerih so dosegali lahke koše. Pri odstotku meta iz igre niso bili boljši od nas, a več kot 90 prejetih točk na domačem parketu je preprosto preveč. Morali se bomo malenkost bolje osredotočiti na naslednjih tekmah, da napake popravimo.“
Ivica Skelin, trener Splita:
"Čestitke mojim fantom za zmago. Sixtu Primorski smo vrnili za poraz v Splitu. Ponosen sem na svoje igralce, saj smo zabeležili prvo zmago v gosteh v tej sezoni."
Michaelyn Duane Scott, igralec Splita:
"Ekipa je odigrala odlično in na vso moč od vsega začetka. Nasproti nam je stalo odlično moštvo Sixta Primorske, a kljub temu smo uspeli zabeležiti zmago."
end of 1. quarter | ||
00:03 | 6 ČAKARUN M. rebound (defensive) | |
00:03 | 21 ŠPALETA M. missed 2 points (layup) | |
00:17 | 24 : 29 | 6 ČAKARUN M. made 2 points (dunk) |
00:21 | 6 ČAKARUN M. steal | |
00:21 | KALAJŽIĆ M. turnover (bad pass) | |
00:38 | ŠIRKO H. steal | |
00:38 | 6 ČAKARUN M. turnover (bad pass) | |
00:51 | 22 : 29 | 7 KEDŽO M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
00:51 | 22 : 28 | 7 KEDŽO M. made free throw (1 of 2) |
00:51 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. substitution (in) | |
00:51 | SCOTT M. substitution (out) | |
00:51 | 7 KEDŽO M. foul on | |
00:51 | 6 ČAKARUN M. foul (personal) | |
01:05 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. assist | |
01:05 | 22 : 27 | HODŽIĆ A. made 3 points (jump shot) |
01:23 | 19 : 27 | SCOTT M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
01:23 | 19 : 26 | SCOTT M. made free throw (1 of 2) |
01:23 | SCOTT M. foul on | |
01:23 | KING S. foul (personal) | |
01:35 | 19 : 25 | MULALIĆ M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
01:35 | 18 : 25 | MULALIĆ M. made free throw (1 of 2) |
01:35 | MULALIĆ M. foul on | |
01:35 | ŠIRKO H. foul (personal) | |
01:46 | 17 : 25 | 7 KEDŽO M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
01:46 | 7 KEDŽO M. missed free throw (1 of 2) | |
01:46 | KING S. substitution (in) | |
01:46 | 12 ZUPAN N. substitution (out) | |
01:46 | 7 KEDŽO M. foul on | |
01:46 | 12 ZUPAN N. foul (personal) | |
02:01 | 7 KEDŽO M. substitution (in) | |
02:01 | 21 VRGOČ I. substitution (out) | |
02:01 | 17 : 24 | 6 ČAKARUN M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
02:01 | 6 ČAKARUN M. missed free throw (1 of 2) | |
02:01 | KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (in) | |
02:01 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. substitution (out) | |
02:01 | 6 ČAKARUN M. foul on | |
02:01 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. foul (personal) | |
02:02 | 6 ČAKARUN M. rebound (offensive) | |
02:05 | MULALIĆ M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
02:18 | 12 ZUPAN N. rebound (defensive) | |
02:20 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
02:39 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. substitution (in) | |
02:39 | 3 REBEC M. substitution (out) | |
02:39 | 16 : 24 | 12 ZUPAN N. made free throw (2 of 2) |
02:39 | 15 : 24 | 12 ZUPAN N. made free throw (1 of 2) |
02:39 | 12 ZUPAN N. foul on | |
02:39 | 21 VRGOČ I. foul (personal) | |
02:39 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
02:39 | 21 ŠPALETA M. foul (personal) | |
02:45 | 14 : 24 | SCOTT M. made 2 points (jump shot) |
03:06 | 14 : 22 | 6 ČAKARUN M. made free throw (1of1) |
03:06 | 21 ŠPALETA M. substitution (in) | |
03:06 | 13 NAJEV F. substitution (out) | |
03:06 | 6 ČAKARUN M. foul on | |
03:06 | 13 NAJEV F. foul (personal) | |
03:06 | 13 : 22 | 6 ČAKARUN M. made 2 points (layup) |
03:24 | ŠIRKO H. assist | |
03:24 | 11 : 22 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. made 3 points (jump shot) |
03:27 | 21 VRGOČ I. rebound (offensive) | |
03:30 | 13 NAJEV F. missed 2 points (layup) | |
03:36 | 21 VRGOČ I. rebound (offensive) | |
03:39 | SCOTT M. missed 2 points (layup) | |
03:40 | SCOTT M. rebound (offensive) | |
03:42 | ŠIRKO H. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
04:00 | 3 REBEC M. assist | |
04:00 | 11 : 19 | MULALIĆ M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
04:13 | 6 ČAKARUN M. foul on | |
04:13 | 13 NAJEV F. foul (personal) | |
04:23 | 8 : 19 | 21 VRGOČ I. made free throw (2 of 2) |
04:23 | 8 : 18 | 21 VRGOČ I. made free throw (1 of 2) |
04:23 | HODŽIĆ A. substitution (in) | |
04:23 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. substitution (out) | |
04:23 | 21 VRGOČ I. foul on | |
04:23 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. foul (personal) | |
04:25 | ŠIRKO H. rebound (defensive) | |
04:27 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
04:51 | ŠIRKO H. assist | |
04:51 | 8 : 17 | SCOTT M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
04:58 | 13 NAJEV F. rebound (defensive) | |
05:01 | MULALIĆ M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
05:17 | 8 : 14 | SCOTT M. made 2 points (jump shot) |
05:29 | SCOTT M. steal | |
05:29 | 3 REBEC M. turnover (bad pass) | |
05:52 | Timeout | |
05:52 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. assist | |
05:52 | 8 : 12 | 13 NAJEV F. made 2 points (layup) |
06:06 | (24sec) | |
06:37 | 8 : 10 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. made 2 points (layup) |
06:46 | SCOTT M. steal | |
06:46 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. turnover (bad pass) | |
06:58 | 21 VRGOČ I. assist | |
06:58 | 8 : 8 | 13 NAJEV F. made 2 points (jump shot) |
07:24 | 6 ČAKARUN M. assist | |
07:24 | 8 : 6 | 12 ZUPAN N. made 2 points (layup) |
07:40 | 6 : 6 | SCOTT M. made 2 points (layup) |
07:44 | SCOTT M. steal | |
07:44 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. turnover (bad pass) | |
07:56 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
07:56 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. foul (personal) | |
08:17 | 6 : 4 | SCOTT M. made 2 points (jump shot) |
08:36 | 6 : 2 | 3 REBEC M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
08:57 | 6 ČAKARUN M. rebound (defensive) | |
08:59 | 13 NAJEV F. missed 2 points (layup) | |
09:10 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. rebound (offensive) | |
09:11 | 13 NAJEV F. missed free throw (1of1) | |
09:11 | 13 NAJEV F. foul on | |
09:11 | 3 REBEC M. foul (personal) | |
09:11 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. assist | |
09:11 | 3 : 2 | 13 NAJEV F. made 2 points (layup) |
09:34 | 3 REBEC M. assist | |
09:34 | 3 : 0 | 12 ZUPAN N. made 3 points (jump shot) |
09:58 | 13 NAJEV F. jumpball (lost) | |
09:58 | 6 ČAKARUN M. jumpball (won) | |
10:00 | jumpball | |
start of 1. quarter | ||
game started | ||
ČAKARUN M in starting lineup | ||
ZUPAN N in starting lineup | ||
MULALIĆ M in starting lineup | ||
JOKSIMOVIĆ N in starting lineup | ||
REBEC M in starting lineup | ||
FILIPOVIĆ G in starting lineup | ||
NAJEV F in starting lineup | ||
SCOTT M in starting lineup | ||
ŠIRKO H in starting lineup | ||
VRGOČ I in starting lineup |
end of 2. quarter | ||
00:03 | 40 : 53 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. made 2 points (jump shot) |
00:04 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. rebound (offensive) | |
00:07 | SCOTT M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
00:31 | 11 KOSI J. substitution (in) | |
00:31 | 6 ČAKARUN M. substitution (out) | |
00:31 | Timeout | |
00:31 | 40 : 51 | ŠIRKO H. made free throw (2 of 2) |
00:31 | 40 : 50 | ŠIRKO H. made free throw (1 of 2) |
00:31 | ŠIRKO H. substitution (in) | |
00:31 | 21 VRGOČ I. substitution (out) | |
00:31 | 21 VRGOČ I. foul on | |
00:31 | 6 ČAKARUN M. turnover (offensive) | |
00:31 | 6 ČAKARUN M. foul (unsportsmanlike) | |
00:44 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. assist | |
00:44 | 40 : 49 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. made 2 points (jump shot) |
01:04 | Timeout | |
01:04 | 40 : 47 | 12 ZUPAN N. made 2 points (layup) |
01:04 | 12 ZUPAN N. rebound (offensive) | |
01:04 | 6 ČAKARUN M. missed 2 points (layup) | |
01:10 | 6 ČAKARUN M. rebound (offensive) | |
01:12 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
01:29 | SCOTT M. rebound (offensive) | |
01:29 | 38 : 47 | SCOTT M. made 2 points (layup) |
01:35 | SCOTT M. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
01:43 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. rebound (defensive) | |
01:46 | 12 ZUPAN N. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
02:09 | 38 : 45 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. made free throw (2 of 2) |
02:09 | 38 : 44 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. made free throw (1 of 2) |
02:09 | 13 NAJEV F. substitution (in) | |
02:09 | 25 JUKIĆ J. substitution (out) | |
02:09 | 21 VRGOČ I. substitution (in) | |
02:09 | 7 KEDŽO M. substitution (out) | |
02:09 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. foul on | |
02:09 | 6 ČAKARUN M. foul (personal) | |
02:21 | 38 : 43 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. made free throw (2 of 2) |
02:21 | 37 : 43 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. made free throw (1 of 2) |
02:21 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. foul on | |
02:21 | SCOTT M. foul (personal) | |
02:32 | 6 ČAKARUN M. rebound (defensive) | |
02:34 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. missed free throw (1of1) | |
02:34 | 12 ZUPAN N. substitution (in) | |
02:34 | KING S. substitution (out) | |
02:34 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. foul on | |
02:34 | KING S. foul (personal) | |
02:34 | 36 : 43 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. made 2 points (layup) |
02:50 | 36 : 41 | 6 ČAKARUN M. made 2 points (layup) |
03:12 | 34 : 41 | 25 JUKIĆ J. made free throw (2 of 2) |
03:12 | 25 JUKIĆ J. missed free throw (1 of 2) | |
03:12 | 25 JUKIĆ J. foul on | |
03:12 | KING S. foul (personal) | |
03:12 | (offensive) | |
03:14 | 7 KEDŽO M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
03:19 | SCOTT M. rebound (defensive) | |
03:22 | 6 ČAKARUN M. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
03:36 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. substitution (in) | |
03:36 | KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (out) | |
03:36 | KING S. foul on | |
03:36 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. foul (personal) | |
03:47 | KING S. rebound (defensive) | |
03:49 | 7 KEDŽO M. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
03:55 | SCOTT M. rebound (defensive) | |
03:58 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
03:59 | KING S. rebound (defensive) | |
04:05 | KING S. block | |
04:05 | KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 2 points (layup) | |
04:18 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. rebound (defensive) | |
04:20 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. missed free throw (1of1) | |
04:20 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. foul on | |
04:20 | 25 JUKIĆ J. foul (personal) | |
04:20 | 34 : 40 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. made 2 points (layup) |
04:42 | MULALIĆ M. substitution (in) | |
04:42 | FERME T. substitution (out) | |
04:42 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. substitution (in) | |
04:42 | HODŽIĆ A. substitution (out) | |
04:42 | Timeout | |
04:43 | 32 : 40 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. made 2 points (dunk) |
04:46 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. rebound (defensive) | |
04:50 | FERME T. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
05:10 | 7 KEDŽO M. turnover (outofbounds) | |
05:29 | 25 JUKIĆ J. rebound (defensive) | |
05:31 | HODŽIĆ A. missed free throw (2 of 2) | |
05:31 | 32 : 38 | HODŽIĆ A. made free throw (1 of 2) |
05:31 | HODŽIĆ A. foul on | |
05:31 | 25 JUKIĆ J. foul (personal) | |
05:50 | 31 : 38 | KALAJŽIĆ M. made 2 points (layup) |
05:57 | 6 ČAKARUN M. substitution (in) | |
05:57 | 11 KOSI J. substitution (out) | |
05:57 | 7 KEDŽO M. foul on | |
05:57 | 11 KOSI J. turnover (offensive) | |
05:57 | 11 KOSI J. foul (offensive) | |
06:10 | KALAJŽIĆ M. assist | |
06:10 | 31 : 36 | 7 KEDŽO M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
06:26 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. assist | |
06:26 | 31 : 33 | FERME T. made 3 points (jump shot) |
06:30 | KING S. rebound (defensive) | |
06:32 | 7 KEDŽO M. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
06:52 | 28 : 33 | FERME T. made free throw (2 of 2) |
06:52 | 27 : 33 | FERME T. made free throw (1 of 2) |
06:52 | FERME T. foul on | |
06:52 | KALAJŽIĆ M. foul (personal) | |
07:05 | 26 : 33 | SCOTT M. made 2 points (layup) |
07:22 | 25 JUKIĆ J. rebound (defensive) | |
07:26 | HODŽIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
07:42 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. assist | |
07:42 | 26 : 31 | SCOTT M. made 2 points (layup) |
07:47 | 25 JUKIĆ J. steal | |
07:47 | FERME T. turnover (ballhandling) | |
07:55 | HODŽIĆ A. rebound (defensive) | |
07:57 | 25 JUKIĆ J. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
08:15 | 25 JUKIĆ J. substitution (in) | |
08:15 | 21 ŠPALETA M. substitution (out) | |
08:15 | 11 KOSI J. turnover (travel) | |
08:24 | 11 KOSI J. rebound (defensive) | |
08:29 | 7 KEDŽO M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
08:36 | SCOTT M. substitution (in) | |
08:36 | ŠIRKO H. substitution (out) | |
08:36 | 7 KEDŽO M. foul on | |
08:36 | 11 KOSI J. foul (personal) | |
08:47 | 26 : 29 | 11 KOSI J. made 2 points (layup) |
08:47 | 11 KOSI J. rebound (offensive) | |
08:52 | FERME T. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
08:53 | FERME T. rebound (offensive) | |
08:55 | KING S. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
09:05 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. rebound (defensive) | |
09:07 | KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
09:14 | 7 KEDŽO M. foul on | |
09:14 | 11 KOSI J. foul (personal) | |
09:14 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. foul on | |
09:14 | HODŽIĆ A. foul (personal) | |
09:28 | (24sec) | |
09:54 | HODŽIĆ A. steal | |
09:54 | 21 ŠPALETA M. turnover (bad pass) | |
start of 2. quarter | ||
10:00 | FERME T. substitution (in) | |
10:00 | MULALIĆ M. substitution (out) | |
10:00 | 11 KOSI J. substitution (in) | |
10:00 | 6 ČAKARUN M. substitution (out) |
end of 3. quarter | ||
00:03 | SCOTT M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
00:28 | MULALIĆ M. assist | |
00:28 | 72 : 76 | 12 ZUPAN N. made 2 points (layup) |
00:36 | 12 ZUPAN N. rebound (defensive) | |
00:39 | SCOTT M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
00:52 | KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (in) | |
00:52 | 21 VRGOČ I. substitution (out) | |
00:52 | (offensive) | |
00:52 | 12 ZUPAN N. block | |
00:52 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. missed 2 points (layup) | |
00:53 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. rebound (offensive) | |
00:56 | 21 VRGOČ I. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
01:17 | 70 : 76 | 12 ZUPAN N. made free throw (2 of 2) |
01:17 | 69 : 76 | 12 ZUPAN N. made free throw (1 of 2) |
01:17 | 13 NAJEV F. substitution (in) | |
01:17 | 25 JUKIĆ J. substitution (out) | |
01:17 | 12 ZUPAN N. foul on | |
01:17 | 21 VRGOČ I. foul (personal) | |
01:32 | 68 : 76 | SCOTT M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
01:46 | 12 ZUPAN N. assist | |
01:46 | 68 : 73 | MULALIĆ M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
01:52 | 12 ZUPAN N. rebound (offensive) | |
01:54 | 3 REBEC M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
02:08 | 65 : 73 | SCOTT M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
02:31 | 65 : 70 | 3 REBEC M. made 2 points (layup) |
02:45 | 63 : 70 | SCOTT M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
02:45 | 63 : 69 | SCOTT M. made free throw (1 of 2) |
02:45 | SCOTT M. foul on | |
02:45 | 3 REBEC M. foul (personal) | |
02:55 | 63 : 68 | 3 REBEC M. made 2 points (layup) |
02:59 | 3 REBEC M. steal | |
02:59 | ŠIRKO H. turnover (bad pass) | |
03:14 | 61 : 68 | 3 REBEC M. made free throw (1of1) |
03:14 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. substitution (in) | |
03:14 | 7 KEDŽO M. substitution (out) | |
03:14 | 21 VRGOČ I. substitution (in) | |
03:14 | KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (out) | |
03:14 | HODŽIĆ A. substitution (in) | |
03:14 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. substitution (out) | |
03:14 | Timeout | |
03:14 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
03:14 | KALAJŽIĆ M. foul (personal) | |
03:14 | 60 : 68 | 3 REBEC M. made 2 points (layup) |
03:19 | KING S. steal | |
03:19 | 7 KEDŽO M. turnover (bad pass) | |
03:37 | 58 : 68 | MULALIĆ M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
03:40 | MULALIĆ M. rebound (defensive) | |
03:42 | 7 KEDŽO M. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
03:54 | 7 KEDŽO M. rebound (defensive) | |
03:56 | MULALIĆ M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
04:09 | 55 : 68 | SCOTT M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
04:27 | 55 : 65 | 3 REBEC M. made 2 points (jump shot) |
04:35 | KING S. rebound (defensive) | |
04:37 | SCOTT M. missed free throw (1of1) | |
04:37 | SCOTT M. foul on | |
04:37 | 3 REBEC M. foul (personal) | |
04:37 | 53 : 65 | SCOTT M. made 2 points (layup) |
04:52 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. assist | |
04:52 | 53 : 63 | KING S. made 2 points (layup) |
05:03 | MULALIĆ M. rebound (defensive) | |
05:07 | ŠIRKO H. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
05:26 | 51 : 63 | 3 REBEC M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
05:53 | SCOTT M. assist | |
05:53 | 48 : 63 | 7 KEDŽO M. made 2 points (layup) |
05:55 | SCOTT M. rebound (offensive) | |
05:58 | ŠIRKO H. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
06:16 | 7 KEDŽO M. rebound (defensive) | |
06:18 | 3 REBEC M. missed free throw (2 of 2) | |
06:18 | 48 : 61 | 3 REBEC M. made free throw (1 of 2) |
06:18 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
06:18 | 25 JUKIĆ J. foul (personal) | |
06:31 | 7 KEDŽO M. assist | |
06:31 | 47 : 61 | 25 JUKIĆ J. made 2 points (layup) |
06:33 | 7 KEDŽO M. rebound (offensive) | |
06:36 | SCOTT M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
06:55 | 47 : 59 | KING S. made free throw (2 of 2) |
06:55 | 46 : 59 | KING S. made free throw (1 of 2) |
06:55 | KING S. foul on | |
06:55 | 25 JUKIĆ J. foul (personal) | |
07:03 | 3 REBEC M. rebound (defensive) | |
07:05 | ŠIRKO H. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
07:31 | 3 REBEC M. assist | |
07:31 | 45 : 59 | MULALIĆ M. made 2 points (jump shot) |
07:34 | 25 JUKIĆ J. substitution (in) | |
07:34 | 13 NAJEV F. substitution (out) | |
07:34 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
07:34 | 13 NAJEV F. foul (personal) | |
07:46 | KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (in) | |
07:46 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. substitution (out) | |
07:46 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
07:46 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. foul (personal) | |
07:48 | 12 ZUPAN N. rebound (defensive) | |
07:50 | 13 NAJEV F. missed 2 points (layup) | |
08:00 | SCOTT M. rebound (defensive) | |
08:03 | 12 ZUPAN N. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
08:10 | KING S. substitution (in) | |
08:10 | 6 ČAKARUN M. substitution (out) | |
08:10 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
08:10 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. foul (personal) | |
08:17 | 43 : 59 | 7 KEDŽO M. made 2 points (jump shot) |
08:36 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. foul on | |
08:36 | 6 ČAKARUN M. turnover (offensive) | |
08:36 | 6 ČAKARUN M. foul (offensive) | |
08:41 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
08:41 | ŠIRKO H. foul (personal) | |
08:59 | 43 : 57 | 7 KEDŽO M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
08:59 | 43 : 56 | 7 KEDŽO M. made free throw (1 of 2) |
08:59 | 7 KEDŽO M. foul on | |
08:59 | 12 ZUPAN N. foul (personal) | |
09:07 | ŠIRKO H. rebound (defensive) | |
09:09 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. missed 2 points (layup) | |
09:32 | 43 : 55 | 13 NAJEV F. made free throw (2 of 2) |
09:32 | 43 : 54 | 13 NAJEV F. made free throw (1 of 2) |
09:32 | 13 NAJEV F. foul on | |
09:32 | MULALIĆ M. foul (personal) | |
09:50 | MULALIĆ M. assist | |
09:50 | 43 : 53 | 12 ZUPAN N. made 3 points (jump shot) |
start of 3. quarter | ||
10:00 | 7 KEDŽO M. substitution (in) | |
10:00 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. substitution (out) | |
10:00 | 3 REBEC M. substitution (in) | |
10:00 | 22 VUJASINOVIĆ D. substitution (out) | |
10:00 | 6 ČAKARUN M. substitution (in) | |
10:00 | 11 KOSI J. substitution (out) |
game finished | ||
end of 4. quarter | ||
00:24 | KALAJŽIĆ M. rebound (defensive) | |
00:27 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
00:35 | 86 : 98 | SCOTT M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
00:35 | SCOTT M. missed free throw (1 of 2) | |
00:35 | SCOTT M. foul on | |
00:35 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. foul (personal) | |
00:44 | 86 : 97 | MULALIĆ M. made 2 points (layup) |
00:51 | 84 : 97 | SCOTT M. made 2 points (layup) |
01:11 | 84 : 95 | 6 ČAKARUN M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
01:11 | 6 ČAKARUN M. missed free throw (1 of 2) | |
01:11 | ŠIRKO H. substitution (in) | |
01:11 | 21 ŠPALETA M. substitution (out) | |
01:11 | 6 ČAKARUN M. foul on | |
01:11 | 21 ŠPALETA M. foul (personal) | |
01:15 | Timeout | |
01:16 | 7 KEDŽO M. assist | |
01:16 | 83 : 95 | 21 ŠPALETA M. made 2 points (dunk) |
01:37 | 21 ŠPALETA M. rebound (defensive) | |
01:39 | 6 ČAKARUN M. missed 2 points (layup) | |
01:50 | 83 : 93 | 21 ŠPALETA M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
01:50 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. assist | |
01:50 | 83 : 92 | 21 ŠPALETA M. made free throw (1 of 2) |
01:50 | FERME T. substitution (in) | |
01:50 | 3 REBEC M. substitution (out) | |
01:50 | 21 ŠPALETA M. foul on | |
01:50 | 3 REBEC M. foul (personal) | |
01:50 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. rebound (offensive) | |
01:52 | KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 2 points (layup) | |
01:56 | KALAJŽIĆ M. steal | |
01:56 | 3 REBEC M. turnover (ballhandling) | |
02:14 | 83 : 91 | 7 KEDŽO M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
02:14 | 7 KEDŽO M. missed free throw (1 of 2) | |
02:14 | 7 KEDŽO M. foul on | |
02:14 | 12 ZUPAN N. foul (personal) | |
02:27 | Timeout | |
02:29 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. assist | |
02:29 | 83 : 90 | MULALIĆ M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
02:36 | 6 ČAKARUN M. rebound (defensive) | |
02:38 | KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
02:56 | SCOTT M. rebound (defensive) | |
03:00 | 3 REBEC M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
03:12 | 7 KEDŽO M. assist | |
03:12 | 80 : 90 | 21 ŠPALETA M. made 2 points (dunk) |
03:26 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. foul on | |
03:26 | 3 REBEC M. foul (personal) | |
03:39 | 7 KEDŽO M. rebound (defensive) | |
03:41 | 6 ČAKARUN M. missed free throw (2 of 2) | |
03:41 | 80 : 88 | 6 ČAKARUN M. made free throw (1 of 2) |
03:41 | SCOTT M. substitution (in) | |
03:41 | ŠIRKO H. substitution (out) | |
03:41 | 6 ČAKARUN M. foul on | |
03:41 | 21 ŠPALETA M. foul (personal) | |
03:53 | MULALIĆ M. missed free throw (1of1) | |
03:53 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. foul (technical) | |
04:08 | ŠIRKO H. substitution (in) | |
04:08 | SCOTT M. substitution (out) | |
04:08 | 3 REBEC M. substitution (in) | |
04:08 | FERME T. substitution (out) | |
04:08 | 7 KEDŽO M. assist | |
04:08 | 79 : 88 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. made 2 points (layup) |
04:12 | 7 KEDŽO M. steal | |
04:12 | MULALIĆ M. turnover (ballhandling) | |
04:14 | MULALIĆ M. rebound (defensive) | |
04:16 | KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 2 points (jump shot) | |
04:36 | SCOTT M. substitution (in) | |
04:36 | ŠIRKO H. substitution (out) | |
04:36 | 21 ŠPALETA M. foul on | |
04:36 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. foul (personal) | |
04:36 | 21 ŠPALETA M. rebound (defensive) | |
04:37 | 7 KEDŽO M. block | |
04:37 | 12 ZUPAN N. missed 2 points (layup) | |
04:45 | ŠIRKO H. substitution (in) | |
04:45 | SCOTT M. substitution (out) | |
04:45 | MULALIĆ M. substitution (in) | |
04:45 | HODŽIĆ A. substitution (out) | |
04:45 | 79 : 86 | 21 ŠPALETA M. made 2 points (dunk) |
04:45 | 21 ŠPALETA M. rebound (offensive) | |
04:45 | 7 KEDŽO M. missed 2 points (layup) | |
04:58 | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. substitution (in) | |
04:58 | MULALIĆ M. substitution (out) | |
04:58 | 79 : 84 | FERME T. made free throw (2 of 2) |
04:58 | FERME T. missed free throw (1 of 2) | |
04:58 | FERME T. foul on | |
04:58 | 21 ŠPALETA M. foul (personal) | |
05:02 | 6 ČAKARUN M. rebound (offensive) | |
05:05 | MULALIĆ M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
05:15 | 6 ČAKARUN M. foul on | |
05:15 | 21 ŠPALETA M. foul (personal) | |
05:24 | SCOTT M. turnover (travel) | |
05:43 | 6 ČAKARUN M. substitution (in) | |
05:43 | KING S. substitution (out) | |
05:43 | SCOTT M. foul on | |
05:43 | HODŽIĆ A. foul (personal) | |
05:48 | SCOTT M. rebound (defensive) | |
05:51 | FERME T. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
05:52 | FERME T. rebound (offensive) | |
05:54 | MULALIĆ M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
05:56 | KING S. rebound (defensive) | |
06:00 | KING S. block | |
06:00 | KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 2 points (layup) | |
06:18 | KING S. assist | |
06:18 | 78 : 84 | HODŽIĆ A. made 3 points (jump shot) |
06:37 | KALAJŽIĆ M. assist | |
06:37 | 75 : 84 | 7 KEDŽO M. made 2 points (layup) |
06:53 | 21 ŠPALETA M. rebound (defensive) | |
06:57 | FERME T. missed 2 points (layup) | |
07:06 | FERME T. substitution (in) | |
07:06 | 3 REBEC M. substitution (out) | |
07:06 | Timeout | |
07:07 | SCOTT M. assist | |
07:07 | 75 : 82 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. made 2 points (layup) |
07:12 | SCOTT M. steal | |
07:12 | 12 ZUPAN N. turnover (bad pass) | |
07:32 | 75 : 80 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. made 2 points |
07:42 | 7 KEDŽO M. rebound (defensive) | |
07:45 | 3 REBEC M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
08:02 | 21 ŠPALETA M. substitution (in) | |
08:02 | 13 NAJEV F. substitution (out) | |
08:02 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
08:02 | 13 NAJEV F. foul (personal) | |
08:09 | HODŽIĆ A. rebound (defensive) | |
08:11 | SCOTT M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
08:31 | 3 REBEC M. assist | |
08:31 | 75 : 78 | MULALIĆ M. made 3 points (jump shot) |
08:35 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
08:35 | 3 MARČINKOVIĆ P. foul (personal) | |
08:45 | (24sec) | |
09:01 | KING S. block | |
09:01 | 13 NAJEV F. rebound (defensive) | |
09:01 | SCOTT M. missed 2 points (layup) | |
09:11 | 13 NAJEV F. rebound (defensive) | |
09:14 | 12 ZUPAN N. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
09:23 | SCOTT M. substitution (in) | |
09:23 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. substitution (out) | |
09:23 | 3 REBEC M. foul on | |
09:23 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. foul (personal) | |
09:35 | 7 KEDŽO M. assist | |
09:35 | 72 : 78 | 13 NAJEV F. made 2 points |
09:43 | 7 KEDŽO M. rebound (offensive) | |
09:45 | KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
09:52 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. foul on | |
09:52 | HODŽIĆ A. foul (personal) | |
start of 4. quarter | ||
10:00 | 8 FILIPOVIĆ G. substitution (in) | |
10:00 | SCOTT M. substitution (out) | |
10:00 | 7 KEDŽO M. substitution (in) | |
10:00 | ŠIRKO H. substitution (out) |
Players on court
PRI | Min | PtsP | RebsR | AssA | StS | FoulF | ValV | |
1 | Ferme T. | 10:06 | 6 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
6 | Čakarun M. | 22:59 | 10 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 12 |
7 | Joksimović N. | 22:01 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 3 | -8 |
9 | Mulalić M. | 34:30 | 21 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 19 |
12 | Zupan N. | 30:48 | 16 | 5 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 16 |
SPL | Min | PtsP | RebsR | AssA | StS | FoulF | ValV | |
0 | Scott M. | 36:33 | 35 | 8 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 41 |
6 | Kalajžić M. | 23:49 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | -6 |
7 | Kedžo M. | 26:38 | 15 | 6 | 5 | 1 | 0 | 25 |
12 | Marčinković P. | 24:07 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 14 |
31 | Širko H. | 23:44 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 |
Last 5 actions
Min | Score | Action |
game finished | ||
end of 4. quarter | ||
00:24 (Q4) | KALAJŽIĆ M. rebound (defensive) | |
00:27 (Q4) | JOKSIMOVIĆ N. missed 3 points (jump shot) | |
00:35 (Q4) | 86 : 98 | SCOTT M. made free throw (2 of 2) |
00:35 (Q4) | SCOTT M. missed free throw (1 of 2) |
Top players
VALUE (INDEX) | ||||
Rebec M. | 22 | - | 41 | Scott M. |
POINTS | ||||
Mulalić M. | 21 | - | 35 | Scott M. |
Čakarun M. | 7 | - | 8 | Scott M. |
ASSISTS | ||||
Rebec M. | 4 | - | 5 | Kedžo M. |
No TV broadcast for this match.
Score difference
Team comparison
- Made Shot Koper Primorska
- Missed Shot Koper Primorska
- Made Shot Split
- Missed Shot Split
VAL: 41
Scott Michaelyn Duane
PTS: 35
Scott Michaelyn Duane
Scott Michaelyn Duane
ASS: 5
Kedžo Mateo