![]() |
Igokea m:tel Aleksandrovac | 92 : 93 | Budućnost VOLI Podgorica |
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Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
21:24 | 21:25 | 21:22 | 29:22 |
Referees: Matej Boltauzer, Damir Javor, Tomislav Hordov
Team Stats - Offense, Season 2016/17
IGO | BUD | |
Ave. | Ave. | |
Points | ||
Rebounds | ||
O. Rebounds | ||
D. Rebounds | ||
Assists | ||
Steals | ||
Blocks | ||
2PT | ||
3PT | ||
FT | ||
Index |
Team Stats - Defense, Season 2016/17
IGO | BUD | |
Ave. | Ave. | |
Points | ||
Rebounds | ||
O. Rebounds | ||
D. Rebounds | ||
Assists | ||
Steals | ||
Blocks | ||
2PT | ||
3PT | ||
FT | ||
Index |
Player Stats, Season 2016/17
Head-to-head records in Regional Leagues
Home team
Away team
Igokea m:tel | |
Home record vs. Budućnost VOLI: | 0:0 |
Away record vs. Budućnost VOLI: | 0:0 |
Record vs. Budućnost VOLI at neutral venue: | 0:0 |
Budućnost VOLI | |
Home record vs. Igokea m:tel: | 0:0 |
Away record vs. Igokea m:tel: | 0:0 |
Record vs. Igokea m:tel at neutral venue: | 0:0 |
Results in Regional Leagues
Season | Date | Phase | Home | Result | Away |
U 5. Kolu ABA lige, Igokea će ugostiti Budućnost VOLI, jednu od tri ekipe koja i dalje nema poraz u novoj sezoni. Trener Aleksandrovčana Dragan Bajić i igrač Miroslav Pašajlić najavili su veliku borbu u utakmici koja je na programu u subotu.
Dragan Bajić. trener Igokee:
“Budućnost je tim koji uz Crvenu zvezdu mts i Cedevitu odskaće po kvalitetu u ABA ligi. Ne bih znao odakle da počnem kada je analiza Budućnosti u pitanju. Na svakoj poziciji imaju po dvojicu kvalitetnih igrača tako da se u bilo kakvoj rotaciji ne oseti pad u igri. Mi smo svesni toga, pokušaćemo da damo svoj maksimum i ako nam se ukaže bilo kakva šansa za pobedu nadam se da ćemo je iskoristiti. Za nas je veliki hendikep izostanak kapitena Radivojevića čije samo prisustvo znači mnogo za ceo tim. Ali, nije ga bilo ni prošle nedelje pritiv FMP-a pa smo uspeli da upišemo pobedu.“
“Mi smo jedini tim koji je u 14 dana odigrao 6 utakmica. Ali, uspeli smo da u četiri kola ABA lige ostvarimo tri pobede i time smo sigurno zadovoljni. Sada ćemo trenirati još više i jače, kako bismo što bolje dočekali svaku sledeću utakmicu.“
Miroslav Pašajlić, igrač Igokee:
“Dolazi nam jedna od najkvalitetnijih ekipa u ligi. Još uvek nisu poraženi u ovoj sezoni, popunjeni su na svim pozicijama i dolaze ovde na naš teren da nastave seriju. Ipak, i mi smo u dobrom ritmu, ostvarili smo tri pobede zaredom i konačno smo u poslednjih nedelju dana imali vremena da se posvetimo treninzima. Nećemo podići belu zastavu pre meča, izaći ćemo na teren i borićemo se, a videćemo za šta će to biti dovoljno.”
Košarkaši Budućnost VOLI se poslije utakmice Eurokupa u Mursiji nijesu vraćali u Podgoricu već su produžili u Laktaše gdje ih očekuje treće gostovanje ove sezone. Bez poraza poslije četiri kola, ali i umorni od dugačkog putatreba da ponovo opravdaju ulogu favorita. Nemanje Gordića i dalje nema u timu, a pitanje je koliko će da bude spreman Sead Šehović koji je propustio meč u Španiji.
Vlado Šćepanovićm trener Budućnosti VOLI:
“Očekuje nas zahtjevna utakmica,s obzirom na gust raspored i naporna putovanja. Za nama je teška utakmica u Mursiji i dug put ali smo u obavezi da damo sve od sebe i da pobijedimo. Sigurno da nece biti lako i da cemo morati svih 40 minuta da igramo maksimalno angažovano. Igokea je vec pokazala da se radi o ozbiljnoj ekipi sto i njeni rezultati govore tome u prilog. Ova utakmica je i test karaktera, jer moramo biti i mentalno spremni da pobijedimo umor od puta i jakih utakmica ,svakih 3 dana.”
Boris Savović, igrač Budućnosti VOLI:
“Veoma važna utakmica za danas. Očekuje nas nezgodna ekipa Igokee koja prvi dio sezone igra fenomenalno. Moramo da igramo izuzetno agresivno u odbrani svih 40 minuta, da nametnemo naš ritam i da pobijedimo. Iako smo imali teško putovanje, nesumnjivo, mi smo favoriti, ali to moramo da opravdamo na terenu.”
Igokea m:tel
overall | FG2 | FG3 | FT | Rebs | Blck | Foul | |||||||||||||||||||
Min | Pts | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | D | O | T | Ass | St | To | Fv | Ag | Cm | Rv | +/- | Val | ||
3 | Pašajlić M. | 22:00 | 5 | 33.3 | 1 | 4 | 25 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 5 | 4 |
4 | Micovic S. | 16:00 | 12 | 57.1 | 4 | 6 | 66.7 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 3 | -5 | 7 |
5 | Talić D. | 00:00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | *Šibalić D. | 29:00 | 12 | 44.4 | 2 | 3 | 66.7 | 2 | 6 | 33.3 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 13 |
8 | *Robinson III J. | 29:00 | 26 | 60 | 7 | 12 | 58.3 | 2 | 3 | 66.7 | 6 | 6 | 100 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | -9 | 29 |
11 | Pešaković N. | 00:00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Milošević Đ. | 14:00 | 2 | 50 | 1 | 1 | 100 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | -10 | -3 |
15 | Albijanić D. | 19:00 | 9 | 44.4 | 4 | 9 | 44.4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 100 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 3 | -2 | 7 |
21 | *Mahkovic B. | 28:00 | 3 | 33.3 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 3 | 0 | 5 |
22 | Ilić D. | 00:00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | *Fortenberry B. | 28:00 | 9 | 66.7 | 3 | 4 | 75 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 13 |
33 | *Rikić R. | 15:00 | 14 | 87.5 | 7 | 8 | 87.5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 8 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 21 |
Team Compare
overall | FG2 | FG3 | FT | Rebs | Blck | Foul | |||||||||||||||||||
Min | Pts | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | D | O | T | Ass | St | To | Fv | Ag | Cm | Rv | +/- | Val | ||
Igokea m:tel | 200:00 | 92 | 55.4 | 30 | 49 | 61.2 | 6 | 16 | 37.5 | 14 | 19 | 73.7 | 19 | 10 | 29 | 19 | 6 | 13 | 1 | 7 | 20 | 23 | -1 | 96 | |
Budućnost VOLI | 200:00 | 93 | 52.3 | 20 | 35 | 57.1 | 14 | 30 | 46.7 | 11 | 15 | 73.3 | 20 | 10 | 30 | 21 | 6 | 13 | 7 | 1 | 23 | 20 | 1 | 105 |
Budućnost VOLI
overall | FG2 | FG3 | FT | Rebs | Blck | Foul | |||||||||||||||||||
Min | Pts | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | M | A | % | D | O | T | Ass | St | To | Fv | Ag | Cm | Rv | +/- | Val | ||
2 | Reynolds J. | 22:00 | 9 | 42.9 | 1 | 4 | 25 | 2 | 3 | 66.7 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | -5 | 9 |
3 | *Williams M. | 22:00 | 13 | 66.7 | 5 | 6 | 83.3 | 1 | 3 | 33.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | -5 | 9 |
4 | *Šehović S. | 30:00 | 18 | 63.6 | 3 | 3 | 100 | 4 | 8 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 18 | 24 |
5 | James S. | 00:00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Subotić B. | 20:00 | 7 | 33.3 | 2 | 4 | 50 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 75 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 3 | -10 | 2 |
8 | *Šehović S. | 21:00 | 5 | 50 | 2 | 4 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 |
11 | Baćović V. | 01:00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | -3 | -2 |
13 | Ilić A. | 00:00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | *Savović B. | 34:00 | 12 | 28.6 | 2 | 7 | 28.6 | 2 | 7 | 28.6 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 13 | 13 |
19 | *Nikolić Z. | 24:00 | 11 | 83.3 | 5 | 6 | 83.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 7 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 1 | 23 |
30 | Popović P. | 19:00 | 13 | 66.7 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 5 | 80 | 1 | 1 | 100 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 13 |
41 | Vranješ N. | 07:00 | 5 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | -10 | 7 |
FG2, FG3 - Field Goals
M - Made
Ag - Against
Rebs - Rebounds
St - Steals
FstBr - Fast break
FT - Free Throws
A - Attempted
Foul - Foul
D - Defensive
To - Turnover
Min - Minutes
Blck - Blocks
Cm - Committed
O - Offensive
Val - rank Value
Pts - Points
Fv - in Favoure of
Rv - Received
Ass - Assists
2ndCh - Second chance
Dragan Bajić, trener Igokee:
"Čestitao bih Budućnosti na zasluženoj pobjedi ali i svojim momcima na jakom otporu. Dosta je bilo padova u našoj igri, dozvolili smo protivniku da ode na dvocifrenu prednost u nekoliko navrata i mnogo smo se potrošili u stizanju rezultata. U završnici je došlo do mlaog pada koncentracije, primili smo dvije trojke u poslednjem minutu, nakon toga smo ponovo imali priliku ali u poslendjih sedam sekundi se nismo dobro prebrojali u odbrani. U drugom poluvremenu smo kontrolisali skok ali šut za tri poena im je bio odličan i protiv slabijeg protivnika je u takvim okolnostima teško doći do pobjede."
James Robinson, igrač Igokee:
"Odigrali smo dobru utakmicu, posebno drugo poluvrijeme, međutim, nismo došli do pobjede. Imali smo priliku na kraju, međutim, nismo odigrali dobru odbranu u poslednjem napadu, Budućnost je napravila dobar izbor i na kraju slavila i čini mi se da nam je na samom kraju nedostajalo malo više koncentracije. "
Vlado Šćepanović, trener Budućnosti VOLI:
"Čestitao bih ekipi Igokee na odličnoj igri, pokazali su da nisu slučajno u vrhu tabele. Mi smo srećno pobijedili ali i da su oni slavili ne bi bilo nezasluženo. Odlična utakmica za publiku, mnogo poena a ja ne mogu biti zadovoljan odbranom. Primili smo 92 poena što je nedopustivo za našto što mi želimo i što moramo ispravljati jer ono što će nam donijeti rezultat može biti samo odbrana, nikako napad."
Boris Savović, igrač Budućnosti VOLI:
"Znali smo šta nas očekuje, bila je čvrsta utakmica, u kojoj je Igokea igrala odlično svih 40 minuta. Mi smo pokušali da im odgovorimo i nametnememo naš ritam. Pred kraj oni su pogodili neke šuteve, ali zahvaljujući nekim srećnim okolnostima i nekim našim šutevima u poslednjim sekundama došli smo do pobjede što je bilo zasluženo, ali i da je Igokea pobijedila defnitivno ne bi bilo nezasluženo."
0 | start of the game | |
0 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon in starting lineup | |
0 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž in starting lineup | |
0 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert in starting lineup | |
0 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur in starting lineup | |
0 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo in starting lineup | |
0 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris in starting lineup | |
0 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus in starting lineup | |
0 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad in starting lineup | |
0 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead in starting lineup | |
0 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran in starting lineup | 1 | minute: 1 |
1 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 2 points (pos. 6) | |
1 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo defensive rebound | |
1 | 3 : 0 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 3 points (pos. 1) |
1 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon foul on 8 Šehović Sead | |
1 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist | |
1 | 3 : 3 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad made 3 points (pos. 4) |
1 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo assist | |
1 | 5 : 3 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5) |
1 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran foul on 33 Rikić Robert | |
1 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert missed free throw | |
1 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad defensive rebound | 2 | minute: 2 |
2 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
2 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound | |
2 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon missed 3 points (pos. 3) | |
2 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus defensive rebound | |
2 | 5 : 5 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 5) | 3 | minute: 3 |
3 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 2) | |
3 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris defensive rebound | |
3 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus turnover (bad pass) | |
3 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur steal | |
3 | 7 : 5 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5) |
3 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon foul on 8 Šehović Sead | |
3 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe replaces 24 Fortenberry Brandon | |
3 | 7 : 7 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 3) | 4 | minute: 4 |
4 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe turnover (bad leading) | |
4 | 7 : 9 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made 2 points (pos. 5) |
4 | 9 : 9 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5) |
4 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
4 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris offensive rebound | |
4 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
4 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran offensive rebound | |
4 | 9 : 11 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made 2 points (pos. 5) |
4 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist | |
4 | 11 : 11 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 2) |
4 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris assist | |
4 | 11 : 14 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad made 3 points (pos. 4) | 5 | minute: 5 |
5 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 4) | |
5 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead defensive rebound | |
5 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
5 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran offensive rebound | |
5 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad missed 3 points (pos. 6) | |
5 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound | |
5 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo missed 3 points (pos. 2) | |
5 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž offensive rebound | |
5 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus foul on 21 Mahkovic Blaž | 6 | minute: 6 |
6 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško replaces 33 Rikić Robert | |
6 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe turnover (bad pass) | |
6 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran steal | |
6 | 11 : 16 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 2) |
6 | [Igokea m:tel] time out | |
6 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav replaces 7 Šibalić Danilo | |
6 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja replaces 13 Milošević Đorđe | |
6 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard replaces 8 Šehović Sead | |
6 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško missed 2 points (pos. 2) | |
6 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad defensive rebound | 7 | minute: 7 |
7 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist | |
7 | 11 : 19 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard made 3 points (pos. 6) |
7 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur turnover (bad pass) | |
7 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran steal | |
7 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran turnover (bad pass) | |
7 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav steal | |
7 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran foul on 15 Albijanić Draško | |
7 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan replaces 3 Williams Marcus | |
7 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar replaces 19 Nikolić Zoran | |
7 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško turnover (travelling) | 8 | minute: 8 |
8 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja foul on 7 Subotić Bojan | |
8 | 11 : 20 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan made free throw |
8 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad assist | |
8 | 11 : 21 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan made free throw |
8 | [Budućnost] 41 Vranješ Nemanja replaces 4 Šehović Suad | |
8 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur | |
8 | 12 : 21 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw |
8 | 13 : 21 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw |
8 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan missed 3 points (pos. 6) | |
8 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris offensive rebound | |
8 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
8 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž block on 14 Savović Boris | |
8 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško defensive rebound | |
8 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško assist | |
8 | 15 : 21 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5) | 9 | minute: 9 |
9 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar assist | |
9 | 15 : 24 | [Budućnost] 41 Vranješ Nemanja made 3 points (pos. 1) |
9 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed 2 points (pos. 2) | |
9 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris defensive rebound | |
9 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
9 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško defensive rebound | |
9 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan foul on 4 Micovic Strahinja | |
9 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist | |
9 | 16 : 24 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made free throw |
9 | 17 : 24 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made free throw |
9 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar missed 2 points (pos. 2) | |
9 | [Budućnost] 41 Vranješ Nemanja offensive rebound | |
9 | [Budućnost] 41 Vranješ Nemanja turnover (bad pass) | 10 | minute: 10 |
10 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž foul on 2 Reynolds James Richard | |
10 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž turnover (offensive foul without ball) | |
10 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan turnover (bad pass) | |
10 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja steal | |
10 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris foul on 4 Micovic Strahinja | |
10 | 18 : 24 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made free throw |
10 | 19 : 24 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made free throw |
10 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo replaces 15 Albijanić Draško | |
10 | 21 : 24 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 2) |
10 | end of 1. quarter | |
10 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe replaces 7 Šibalić Danilo | |
10 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško replaces 8 Robinson III James Arthur | |
10 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon replaces 21 Mahkovic Blaž | 11 | minute: 11 |
11 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško foul on 41 Vranješ Nemanja | |
11 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško turnover (offensive foul without ball) | |
11 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard missed 3 points (pos. 1) | |
11 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav defensive rebound | |
11 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris foul on 4 Micovic Strahinja | |
11 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad replaces 41 Vranješ Nemanja | |
11 | 23 : 24 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5) |
11 | 23 : 27 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar made 3 points (pos. 1) |
11 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe foul on 30 Popović Petar | |
11 | 23 : 28 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar made free throw | 12 | minute: 12 |
12 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran replaces 14 Savović Boris | |
12 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
12 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 15 Albijanić Draško | |
12 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad defensive rebound | |
12 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja foul on 7 Subotić Bojan | |
12 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo replaces 4 Micovic Strahinja | |
12 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert replaces 15 Albijanić Draško | |
12 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard missed 2 points (pos. 4) | |
12 | [Budućnost] team offensive rebound | |
12 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard assist | |
12 | 23 : 31 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad made 3 points (pos. 3) |
12 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
12 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran defensive rebound | |
12 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran turnover (bad pass) | 13 | minute: 13 |
13 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž replaces 13 Milošević Đorđe | |
13 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus replaces 30 Popović Petar | |
13 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav assist | |
13 | 25 : 31 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5) |
13 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert foul on 19 Nikolić Zoran | |
13 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist | |
13 | 25 : 32 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made free throw |
13 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran missed free throw | |
13 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž defensive rebound | |
13 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed 3 points (pos. 3) | |
13 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo offensive rebound | |
13 | 27 : 32 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon made 2 points (pos. 5) | 14 | minute: 14 |
14 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
14 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound | |
14 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon assist | |
14 | 29 : 32 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo made 2 points (pos. 5) |
14 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead replaces 2 Reynolds James Richard | |
14 | [Budućnost] 11 Baćović Vasilije replaces 19 Nikolić Zoran | |
14 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan missed 3 points (pos. 6) | |
14 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound | |
14 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo missed 3 points (pos. 6) | |
14 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž offensive rebound | |
14 | [Budućnost] 11 Baćović Vasilije foul on 21 Mahkovic Blaž | |
14 | [Budućnost] time out | |
14 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž missed free throw | |
14 | 30 : 32 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž made free throw | 15 | minute: 15 |
15 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
15 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound | |
15 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon assist | |
15 | 32 : 32 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5) |
15 | [Budućnost] 11 Baćović Vasilije foul on 33 Rikić Robert | |
15 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris replaces 11 Baćović Vasilije | |
15 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert missed free throw | |
15 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad defensive rebound | |
15 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž foul on 14 Savović Boris | |
15 | 32 : 33 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made free throw |
15 | 32 : 34 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made free throw | 16 | minute: 16 |
16 | 35 : 34 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 3 points (pos. 1) |
16 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert foul on 8 Šehović Sead | |
16 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead missed free throw | |
16 | 35 : 35 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made free throw |
16 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško replaces 33 Rikić Robert | |
16 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
16 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris defensive rebound | |
16 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 3 points (pos. 2) | |
16 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan offensive rebound | |
16 | 35 : 38 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 3 points (pos. 1) | 17 | minute: 17 |
17 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav assist | |
17 | 38 : 38 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon made 3 points (pos. 4) |
17 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad assist | |
17 | 38 : 40 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan made 2 points (pos. 5) |
17 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus foul on 15 Albijanić Draško | |
17 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur replaces 3 Pašajlić Miroslav | |
17 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž missed 3 points (pos. 6) | |
17 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan defensive rebound | 18 | minute: 18 |
18 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 3 points (pos. 4) | |
18 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan offensive rebound | |
18 | [Budućnost] team turnover | |
18 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran replaces 7 Subotić Bojan | |
18 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo missed 3 points (pos. 3) | |
18 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris defensive rebound | 19 | minute: 19 |
19 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead assist | |
19 | 38 : 43 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made 3 points (pos. 2) |
19 | [Igokea m:tel] time out | |
19 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist | |
19 | 40 : 43 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo made 2 points (pos. 4) |
19 | 40 : 45 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made 2 points (pos. 5) |
19 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 2) | |
19 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris defensive rebound | |
19 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist | |
19 | 40 : 47 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad made 2 points (pos. 5) | 20 | minute: 20 |
20 | 42 : 47 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon made 2 points (pos. 5) |
20 | 42 : 49 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 2) |
20 | end of 2. quarter | |
20 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja replaces 7 Šibalić Danilo | |
20 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe replaces 15 Albijanić Draško | |
20 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert replaces 21 Mahkovic Blaž | |
20 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard replaces 8 Šehović Sead | 21 | minute: 21 |
21 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert foul on 19 Nikolić Zoran | |
21 | 42 : 51 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 5) |
21 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon assist | |
21 | 44 : 51 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made 2 points (pos. 5) |
21 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 2 points (pos. 2) | |
21 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur defensive rebound | |
21 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
21 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert offensive rebound | |
21 | 46 : 51 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5) | 22 | minute: 22 |
22 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
22 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound | |
22 | 48 : 51 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon made 2 points (pos. 5) |
22 | [Budućnost] time out | |
22 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan replaces 19 Nikolić Zoran | |
22 | 48 : 53 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made 2 points (pos. 4) | 23 | minute: 23 |
23 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard foul on 24 Fortenberry Brandon | |
23 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon turnover (bad pass) | |
23 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus turnover (bad leading) | |
23 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist | |
23 | 50 : 53 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5) |
23 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 3 points (pos. 2) | |
23 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound | |
23 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan foul on 33 Rikić Robert | 24 | minute: 24 |
24 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar replaces 3 Williams Marcus | |
24 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard foul on 24 Fortenberry Brandon | |
24 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja turnover (bad leading) | |
24 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris steal | |
24 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard assist | |
24 | 50 : 55 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad made 2 points (pos. 5) |
24 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
24 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert offensive rebound | |
24 | 52 : 55 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5) |
24 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 3 points (pos. 2) | |
24 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound | |
24 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist | |
24 | 54 : 55 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5) | 25 | minute: 25 |
25 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe foul on 4 Šehović Suad | |
25 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar assist | |
25 | 54 : 58 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard made 3 points (pos. 6) |
25 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja turnover (bad pass) | |
25 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad steal | 26 | minute: 26 |
26 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur | |
26 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan turnover (offensive foul without ball) | |
26 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran replaces 7 Subotić Bojan | |
26 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav replaces 24 Fortenberry Brandon | |
26 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
26 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 4 Micovic Strahinja | |
26 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe offensive rebound | |
26 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe turnover (travelling) | |
26 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž replaces 13 Milošević Đorđe | |
26 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard assist | |
26 | 54 : 61 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar made 3 points (pos. 6) |
26 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
26 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 8 Robinson III James Arthur | |
26 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris defensive rebound | |
26 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard assist | |
26 | 54 : 64 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar made 3 points (pos. 6) | 27 | minute: 27 |
27 | [Budućnost] time out | |
27 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo replaces 4 Micovic Strahinja | |
27 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško replaces 33 Rikić Robert | |
27 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
27 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 15 Albijanić Draško | |
27 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris defensive rebound | |
27 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 3 points (pos. 2) | |
27 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo foul on 19 Nikolić Zoran | |
27 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead replaces 2 Reynolds James Richard | |
27 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar assist | |
27 | 54 : 67 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad made 3 points (pos. 3) |
27 | 56 : 67 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 6) |
27 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur | 28 | minute: 28 |
28 | [Budućnost] 41 Vranješ Nemanja replaces 4 Šehović Suad | |
28 | 57 : 67 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw |
28 | [Budućnost] 41 Vranješ Nemanja missed 3 points (pos. 1) | |
28 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško defensive rebound | |
28 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo missed 3 points (pos. 1) | |
28 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar defensive rebound | |
28 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran assist | |
28 | 57 : 69 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made 2 points (pos. 5) | 29 | minute: 29 |
29 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
29 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 3 Pašajlić Miroslav | |
29 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž offensive rebound | |
29 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
29 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž offensive rebound | |
29 | 59 : 69 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž made 2 points (pos. 5) |
29 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran turnover (3 seconds in the paint) | |
29 | 61 : 69 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5) |
29 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar missed 3 points (pos. 1) | |
29 | [Igokea m:tel] team defensive rebound | 30 | minute: 30 |
30 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 3 points (pos. 2) | |
30 | [Budućnost] team defensive rebound | |
30 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur foul on 41 Vranješ Nemanja | |
30 | 61 : 70 | [Budućnost] 41 Vranješ Nemanja made free throw |
30 | 61 : 71 | [Budućnost] 41 Vranješ Nemanja made free throw |
30 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon replaces 21 Mahkovic Blaž | |
30 | 63 : 71 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 2 points (pos. 5) |
30 | end of 3. quarter | |
30 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž replaces 8 Robinson III James Arthur | 31 | minute: 31 |
31 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo missed 2 points (pos. 3) | |
31 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo offensive rebound | |
31 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon assist | |
31 | 65 : 71 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5) |
31 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško foul on 19 Nikolić Zoran | |
31 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
31 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran offensive rebound | |
31 | 65 : 73 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made 2 points (pos. 5) | 32 | minute: 32 |
32 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav turnover (bad pass) | |
32 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris steal | |
32 | [Budućnost] 41 Vranješ Nemanja assist | |
32 | 65 : 75 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made 2 points (pos. 5) |
32 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
32 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 15 Albijanić Draško | |
32 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško offensive rebound | |
32 | 67 : 75 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5) |
32 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran foul on 15 Albijanić Draško | |
32 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus replaces 14 Savović Boris | |
32 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan replaces 41 Vranješ Nemanja | |
32 | 68 : 75 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made free throw |
32 | 68 : 77 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan made 2 points (pos. 5) | 33 | minute: 33 |
33 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo assist | |
33 | 70 : 77 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5) |
33 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus turnover (bad pass) | |
33 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško steal | |
33 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar foul on 24 Fortenberry Brandon | |
33 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard replaces 30 Popović Petar | |
33 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav assist | |
33 | 73 : 77 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo made 3 points (pos. 6) |
33 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead assist | |
33 | 73 : 79 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made 2 points (pos. 5) | 34 | minute: 34 |
34 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav assist | |
34 | 75 : 79 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5) |
34 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 3 points (pos. 3) | |
34 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž defensive rebound | |
34 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard foul on 21 Mahkovic Blaž | |
34 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead foul on 3 Pašajlić Miroslav | |
34 | [Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško assist | |
34 | 78 : 79 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo made 3 points (pos. 1) | 35 | minute: 35 |
35 | [Budućnost] time out | |
35 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran turnover (3 seconds in the paint) | |
35 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad replaces 8 Šehović Sead | |
35 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
35 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 3 Pašajlić Miroslav | |
35 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran defensive rebound | |
35 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž foul on 3 Williams Marcus | |
35 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris replaces 7 Subotić Bojan | |
35 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus turnover (bad pass) | |
35 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž steal | 36 | minute: 36 |
36 | [Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus foul on 3 Pašajlić Miroslav | |
36 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed free throw | |
36 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed free throw | |
36 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad defensive rebound | |
36 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad missed 3 points (pos. 4) | |
36 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris offensive rebound | |
36 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad missed 3 points (pos. 4) | |
36 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž foul on 19 Nikolić Zoran | |
36 | [Budućnost] team offensive rebound | |
36 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja replaces 3 Pašajlić Miroslav | |
36 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur replaces 15 Albijanić Draško | |
36 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard missed 2 points (pos. 2) | |
36 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran offensive rebound | |
36 | 78 : 81 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made 2 points (pos. 5) |
36 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon missed 2 points (pos. 5) | |
36 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran defensive rebound | |
36 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad turnover (bad leading) | |
36 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur steal | |
36 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon assist | |
36 | 81 : 81 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 3 points (pos. 4) | 37 | minute: 37 |
37 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar replaces 3 Williams Marcus | |
37 | [Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž foul on 30 Popović Petar | |
37 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe replaces 21 Mahkovic Blaž | |
37 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 3 points (pos. 1) | |
37 | [Igokea m:tel] 24 Fortenberry Brandon defensive rebound | |
37 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar foul on 7 Šibalić Danilo | |
37 | 82 : 81 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo made free throw |
37 | 83 : 81 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo made free throw |
37 | 83 : 83 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard made 2 points (pos. 5) | 38 | minute: 38 |
38 | 85 : 83 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5) |
38 | [Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran turnover (bad pass) | |
38 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan replaces 19 Nikolić Zoran | |
38 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 3 points (pos. 2) | |
38 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan defensive rebound | 39 | minute: 39 |
39 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad missed 3 points (pos. 4) | |
39 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe defensive rebound | |
39 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo assist | |
39 | 87 : 83 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5) |
39 | [Budućnost] time out | |
39 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad assist | |
39 | 87 : 86 | [Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar made 3 points (pos. 1) | 40 | minute: 40 |
40 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo turnover (bad pass) | |
40 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad steal | |
40 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard assist | |
40 | 87 : 89 | [Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made 3 points (pos. 1) |
40 | [Igokea m:tel] time out | |
40 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur turnover (bad pass) | |
40 | [Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja foul on 7 Subotić Bojan | |
40 | 87 : 90 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan made free throw |
40 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan missed free throw | |
40 | [Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo defensive rebound | |
40 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur | |
40 | [Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert replaces 4 Micovic Strahinja | |
40 | 88 : 90 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw |
40 | 89 : 90 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw |
40 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe foul on 2 Reynolds James Richard | |
40 | 89 : 91 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard made free throw |
40 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard missed free throw | |
40 | [Igokea m:tel] time out | |
40 | 91 : 91 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5) |
40 | [Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur | |
40 | [Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead replaces 7 Subotić Bojan | |
40 | [Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav replaces 33 Rikić Robert | |
40 | 92 : 91 | [Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw |
40 | [Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard assist | |
40 | 92 : 93 | [Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad made 2 points (pos. 5) |
40 | [Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe missed 3 points (pos. 3) | |
40 | end of 4. quarter | |
40 | end of the game |
Match live on TV:
- Arenasport SRB 1
- Arenasport CRO 1
- Arenasport BIH
- Arenasport MNE 1
- Arenasport MKD 1
- Siol TV SLO
Team comparison
- Made Shot Igokea m:tel
- Missed Shot Igokea m:tel
- Made Shot Budućnost VOLI
- Missed Shot Budućnost VOLI
VAL: 29

Robinson III James Arthur
PTS: 26

Robinson III James Arthur
REBS: 10

Rikić Robert
ASS: 6

Reynolds James Richard