Gregor Hrovat reinforced Helios Suns

Tuesday, 01. September 2020 at 13:35

Gregor Hrovat (Photo: Petrol Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

Gregor Hrovat most likely does not require a special presentation, but we should mention, that the player, born in Koper, is coming back to Domžale after six years of absence. After four seasons spent at Olimpija in Ljubljana, one at German medi Bayreuth he spent the last season at Afyon Belediy in Turkey, where he has been averaging 12.1 points, 4.5 rebounds and 4.8 assists per game in the Turkish National Championship. After 2017, when Slovenia won the gold at the EuroBasket, he has become the regular national team member as well.

After returning to the Helios Suns, Hrovat told: “I wish to thank the club’s management and head coach Dejan Jakara for offering me a deal. In these times the return to a well-organized home side is a proper decision. I will do my best in order to take advantage of the offered opportunity. I am looking forward to the first common practices and I believe that we would work together fine.”


Gregor Hrovat okrepil Helios Suns

V domžalsko športno dvorano se vrača slovenski reprezentant Gregor Hrovat.

Posebne predstavitve Gregor Hrovat verjetno ne potrebuje, vseeno pa omenimo, da se primorski košarkar v Domžale vrača po šestih letih; po štirih sezonah igranja pri zdaj Cedeviti Olimpiji, eni sezoni pri nemškem Medi Bayreuthu ter eni sezoni pri Afyon Belediyu v Turčiji, kjer je lani v povprečju dosegal po 12,1 točke, 4,5 skoka in kar 4,8 podaje na tekmo. Po za Slovenijo zlatem evropskem prvenstvu 2017 je tudi standardni član slovenske košarkarske reprezentance.

Gregor Hrovat je ob povratku k Helios Suns povedal: "Rad bi se zahvalil vodstvu kluba in trenerju Dejanu Jakari za ponujen dogovor. V teh negotovih časih je vrnitev v urejeno domačo sredino prava odločitev. Maksimalno se bom potrudil izkoristiti ponujeno priložnost. Veselim se prvih skupnih treningov, verjamem, da bomo dobro sodelovali."
