Morina back in Domžale

Friday, 10. July 2020 at 14:58

After the Domžale squad have taken care of their backcourt refreshment, the positions under both rims have come up with their turn. The first tall reinforcement is the player, that is returning to the Helios Suns, Gezim Morina.

Gezim Morina (Photo: Dynamic VIP PAY)

Gezim Morina has been playing in Domžale between 2012 and 2014 and shortly in 2015, while he has also been playing for Union Olimpija, LTH Castings, Maribor Nova KBM, Sigal Priština, Primorska, Šenčur and Hopsi Polzela. He has been averaging 11.7 points and 6.1 rebounds per game.

The player, that can also cover the power forward and center positions on the team, used to be a member of the U20 Slovenia national team at the 2012 European Championship and also has three official appearances for the Slovenia national team.

As he joined the Helios Suns, Gezim Morina told: “I am looking forward to coming back to Domžale, where I have spent one of the most beautiful periods in my career. I eagerly wait to be playing in the Domžale Sports Hall again, of which I have excellent memories. I hope for loud support from the stands and I believe that we can write a nice and successful story together in the forthcoming season.”


Morina povratnik v Domžalah

Potem, ko so v Domžalah v zadnjem času skrbeli predvsem za osvežitve v branilskih vrstah, je sedaj na vrsto prišla še igra pod obroči. Prvi novinec med visokimi košarkarji je pravzaprav povratnik k Helios Sunsom, Gezim Morina.

Gezim Morina (1992, 203 cm) je v Domžalah že igral med leti 2012 in 2014 ter na kratko tudi v letu 2015, drugače pa je nastopal še za Union Olimpijo, LTH Castings, Maribor Novo KBM, Sigal Prištino, Primorsko, Šenčur in Hopse iz Polzele. V dresu slednjih je v zadnji sezoni državnega prvenstva v povprečju dosegal po 11,7 točke in 6,1 skoka na tekmo.

Košarkar, ki lahko uspešno igra tako na položaju krilnega, kot klasičnega centra, je bil član slovenske reprezentance U20 na domačem evropskem prvenstvu 2012, ima pa tudi tri uradne nastope za člansko reprezentanco Slovenije.

Gezim Morina, Helios Suns: "Veselim se povratka v Domžale, kjer sem preživel eno lepših obdobij v moji karieri. Komaj čakam, da spet zaigram v domžalski dvorani, na katero imam super spomine. Upam na glasno podporo s tribun, verjamem pa, da lahko spišemo lepo in uspešno zgodbo v prihajajoči sezoni."
