Blaž Mahkovic to continue with Helios Suns

Wednesday, 10. June 2020 at 20:43

One of the best players of the ABA League 2 in the recently cancelled season, Blaž Mahkovic, is staying in Domžale, where he will continue to wear the Helios Suns jersey for another season.

Blaz Mahkovic (Photo: Helios Suns/Gasper Papez)

30-year old Blaž Mahkovic, 201 cm tall forward, that can also cover the power forward position, has been shining last season in the ABA League 2 (18.4 points, 5.2 rebounds and 2.8 assists per game), where he used to be the most efficient plaer with the average valuation of 23.2. His best performance came against the MZT Skopje Aerodrom, when he collected 29 points, 9 rebounds and 4 assists with the valuation of 42, the highest individual valuation last season in the ABA League 2 and the third highest in the competition’s history.

This will be the sixth season for the Slovenia national team member in Domžale. His first episode in the purple-orange jersey was between 2012 and 2014. He returned to Domžale in the 2017/18 season.

Blaž Mahkovic told as he agreed on cooperation with the Helios Suns again: “I am glad that we have agreed on cooperation with the club to extend the contract and aet the same time I believe that the management will succeed in composing the team, with which we will be able to fight for the top in the ABA League 2. Given the short season that is behind us, I am already looking forward to the next one and I would like to invite as many fans as possible to join us in the games.”


Blaž Mahkovic še naprej v dresu Helios Suns

Eden najkoristnejših košarkarjev Lige ABA 2 v letošnji predčasno končani sezoni, Blaž Mahkovic, ostaja v Domžalah in bo tudi v naslednji sezoni nosil dres Helios Sunsov!

30-letni Blaž Mahkovic, 201 cm visok krilni košarkar, ki se odlično znajde tudi na položaju krilnega centra, je blestel letos v regionalni Ligi ABA 2 (18,4 točke, 5,2 skoka in 2,8 podaje), kjer je bil s povprečnim indeksom 23,2 tudi najučinkovitejši košarkar tekmovanja. Najboljša predstava mu je uspela v gosteh pri skopskem MZT-ju, ko je 29 točkam dodal še 9 skokov in 4 podaje, za končni indeks 42, letošnji rekordni, skupno pa tretji najvišji v zgodovini Lige ABA 2.

Za slovenskega reprezentanta bo to še šesta sezona v Domžalah. Prvič je dres Heliosa, po selitvi iz škofjeloškega LTH Castingsa, nosil v letih od 2012 do 2014, nato sta sledili dve sezoni pri Union Olimpiji in ena pri Igokei (BiH). V sezoni 2017/18 se je vrnil v Domžale, nato naslednjo začel pri Krki, a se je že po dveh mesecih spet vrnil v domžalsko športno dvorano, kjer je bil lani tudi kapetan ekipe in podaljšana roka trenerja Dejana Jakare na parketu.

Blaž Mahkovic je ob novem dogovoru z Domžalčani povedal: "Vesel sem, da smo s klubom našli skušni jezik glede podaljšanja pogodbe, hkrati pa verjamem, da vodstvu uspelo sestaviti ekipo, s katero bomo lahko mešali štrene najboljšim v Ligi ABA 2. Glede na letošnjo kratko sezono, se že veselim prihodnje, ob tem pa že zdaj vabim navijače, da nas v naslednji sezoni podprejo v čim večjem številu."
