Jakara to lead Helios Suns from the bench for another season

Tuesday, 19. May 2020 at 16:44

Helios Suns will be led from the bench by Dejan Jakara in the new season as well and Grega Nachbar will remain to be his assistant coach.

Dejan Jakara (Photo: Novi Pazar/Senad Zupljanin)

Dejan Jakara started working at Helios Suns as the assistant coach and won the national championship trophy in 2015/16 in this role. Later he coached Brno in the Czech Republi and used to be in charge of the Helios Suns last season. He also used to be the head coach of the Slovenia national team at the 2019 U20 European Championship. With the club’s General Manager Matevž Zupančič the coach has shaken hands and extended the cooperation for another season and the same goes for his assistant coach Grega Nachbarm, who will be a member of the coaching staff for the fourth season in a row.

As he extended the cooperation with the Suns, Dejan Jakara told: “I am happy that we have managed to reach the decision on extension of the cooperation. I feel excellent in Domžale and after all that has happened over the past two months I cannot wait to begin the preparations for the new season. I wish to thank the management for the warranted trust. We are all aware of the fact that the budget of the team would be lower next season, but despite that we wish to make our goals similar to the previous season’s.”


Jakara še eno sezono na klopi Helios Suns

Člansko ekipo Helios Sunsov bo tudi v novi sezoni vodil Dejan Jakara, njegov pomočnik pa bo še naprej Grega Nachbar.

Dejan Jakara je v klubu najprej deloval kot pomočnik članskega trenerja in se s Helios Suns veselil tudi naslova državnih prvakov v sezoni 2015/16, nato eno sezono samostojno vodil Brno na Češkem, zadnjo leto in pol pa je že bil na čelu domžalske članske zasedbe. Preteklo poletje je vodil tudi slovensko reprezentanco U20 na evropskem prvenstvu divizije A v Izraelu. Z direktorjem kluba Matevžem Zupančičem sta si segla v roke za podaljšanje sodelovanja tudi za prihajajočo sezono, enako pa velja tudi za njegovega pomočnika Grego Nachbarja, ki bo še četrto leto zapored del članskega trenerskega štaba.

Dejan Jakara je ob podaljšanju sodelovanja povedal: "Zelo sem vesel, da smo se uspeli dogovoriti za nadaljevanje sodelovanja. V Domžalah se počutim odlično in po tem dogajanju v zadnjih dveh mesecih že komaj čakam, da začnemo s pripravami na novo sezono. Hvala vodstvu kluba za izkazano zaupanje. Vsi se zavedamo, da bo moral biti proračun članske ekipe v novi sezoni malce nižji, vseeno pa se želimo s cilji približati pretekli sezoni."
