Jamel Morris leaves Split

Wednesday, 23. January 2019 at 13:59

Jamel Morris, who will be sidelined for a season, is no longer a member of Split. Morris and the yellow squad have mutually agreed on contract termination.

Jamel Morris (Photo: Split/Ivica Cavka)

Jamel Morris is heading back to the USA, where he will undergo knee surgery and afterwards he will face the rehabilitation period.

“I am happy and delighted with the days spent in Split. I love this town and I feel like a part of this club and hope to get back as soon as possible. I am sad because of two unfortunate injuries but this is sports, you never know what a new day is bringing, a new game. In Split I have gained many friends, the teammates and everyone in the club are great. My special greetings got to the fans, that know what basketball is. And the guys from the locker room are a special story. They aren’t my teammates, they are my brothers and that’s how it is always going to be. After these months in Gripe I have learnt why this club is so great and different from the others,” Morris told after parting ways with the club.


Jamel Morris napušta Split

Jamel Morris, koji će zbog ozljede koljena propustiti sezonu više nije igrač Splita. Morris i "Žuti" su dogovorili sporazumni raskid ugovora.

Morris se vraća u SAD, do kraja tjedna trebala bi biti obavljena operacija koljena, a potom mu slijedi postoperativni period.

„Sretan sam i oduševljen danima provedenim u Splitu, obožavam ovaj grad, osjećam se kao dio ovog kluba i nadam se da ću se vratiti ako to bude moguće. Žalim zbog dvije nesretne ozljede, ali takav je sport, nikada ne znaš što donosi novi dan, nova utakmica. U Splitu sam stekao brojne prijatelje, suigrači i svi u klubu su bili odlični, posebno pozdravljam navijače, koji znaju što je košarka. A momci iz svlačionice su posebna priča, oni nisu moji suigrači, oni su moja braća i tako će uvijek biti. Nakon ovih mjeseci na Gripama shvatio sam zbog čega je ovaj klub velik, drugačiji od ostalih,“ kazao je Morris na rastanku.

