Sixt Primorska reinforced by Henry

Tuesday, 08. January 2019 at 15:08

Sixt Primorska is aiming high this season. In the Slovenian coastline city they have decided to reinforce their ranks ahead of the remainder of the season. The newcomer in the Tigers squad is 30-year old American point guard Corin Henry, who has agreed to play for Sixt Primorska until the end of season.

Corin Henry (Photo: Sixt Primorska)

Corin Henry is extremely quick and explosive player, who is also a good shooter. He has travelled around the Globe in his career, playing in three continents so far. After the end of his college career he started his professional career in Denmark and moved afterwards to Bulgaria, Sweden, Turkey and France. He also played in Australia and New Zealand and the last stop in his career before arriving to Koper was Uruguay.

For the Uruguayan top division team Defensor, which is currently third placed in their championship, he has appeared 13 times (9:4) and averaged 12.8 points, 4.2 assists, 3.5 rebounds and a but more than a steal in less than 28 minutes spent on court on average. In the 2015/16 season, he became a top scorer of the Swedish national championship (32 games, 20.6 points).

Corin Henry told as he moved to Koper: “I have decided to move to Koper due to the fact that they are raising their ambitions every single season. The team wants to win and is also professional in every aspect.This is the most that I can want. Since the first moment when I stepped of the plane I had an excellent feeling, since the club is organized as it should be. I am looking forward to spending the rest of the season with the Tigers and I will do everything in my power to make the team successful.”


Sixt Primorsko okrepil Henry

Cilji Sixt Primorske v tej sezoni segajo do najvišjih mest. Na Obali so se zato odločili, da pred preostankom sezone okrepijo svoje vrste. Novinec v tigrovem brlogu je 30-letni ameriški organizator igre Corin Henry, ki je s klubom sklenil sodelovanje do konca sezone.

Henry velja za izjemno hitrega in eksplozivnega košarkarja, ki je obenem tudi dober strelec. Na dosedanji športni poti je dodobra prepotoval svet, saj je zaigral že na treh kontinentih. Po koncu študija je leta 2011 profesionalno kariero začel na Danskem, za tem pa v Evropi nastopal še v Bolgariji, na Švedskem, v Turčiji in Franciji. V Oceaniji je igral tako v Avstraliji kot na Novi Zelandiji, pred prihodom v Koper pa se je preizkušal še v Južni Ameriki, natančneje v Urugvaju.

Za urugvajsko prvoligaško ekipo Defensor, ki trenutno zaseda tretje mesto na lestvici, je odigral 13 tekem (izkupiček 9-4) in v slabih 28 minutah povprečno dosegal po 12,8 točke, 4,2 podaje, 3,5 skoka in nekaj več kot eno pridobljeno žogo. V sezoni 2015/16 je novinec med tigri v dresu Jamtlanda postal najboljši strelec švedske lige (32 tekem, 20,6 točke).

Corin Henry je ob prihodu v Koper dejal: "Za prestop k Sixt Primorski me je prepričalo dejstvo, da ekipa iz Kopra vsako leto dviguje svoje ambicije in cilje. Moštvo si želi zmagovati, obenem pa jo odlikuje profesionalnost na vsakem koraku. To je največ, česar si lahko želim. Od prvega trenutka, ko sem stopil z letala, imam odličen občutek, saj je v klubu vse organizirano, kot se spodobi. Izredno se že veselim preostanka sezone z ekipo tigrov, za katero bom delal tisto, kar bo potrebno, da bo ta še naprej čim bolj uspešna."
