Final, U19 ABA League Championship, Season 2018/19
Sunday, 07.04.2019 15:00 Local time
Venue: Vijuš Hall Slavonski Brod
68 : 73
21:27 13:18 19:18 15:10
Commissioner: Krešimir Arar
Referees: Vladan Šundić, Aleksandar Milojević, Bojan Kruljac



Team Stats - Offense, Season 2018/19

Ave. Ave.
O. Rebounds
D. Rebounds

Team Stats - Defense, Season 2018/19

Ave. Ave.
O. Rebounds
D. Rebounds

Player Stats, Season 2018/19


Head-to-head records in Regional Leagues

Home team
Away team
Crvena zvezda U19
Home record vs. Cibona U19: 0:0
Away record vs. Cibona U19: 0:0
Record vs. Cibona U19 at neutral venue: 0:0
Cibona U19
Home record vs. Crvena zvezda U19: 0:0
Away record vs. Crvena zvezda U19: 0:0
Record vs. Crvena zvezda U19 at neutral venue: 0:0

Results in Regional Leagues

Season Date Phase Home Result Away
No preview available yet for this match.

Crvena zvezda U19

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
4 Karapandžić S. * 22:55 6 28.6 0 4 02 3 66.7 0 0 0 2 0 22 2 3 0 1 4 2 0 0 0 -9 1
5 Pavićević M. * 22:33 10 42.9 3 5 600 2 0 4 6 66.7 4 0 43 0 1 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 12
6 Dobrašinović V. 00:26 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Popović N. 22:54 5 33.3 1 2 500 1 0 3 4 75 1 2 33 0 4 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 -6 5
8 Manojlović N. * 18:10 1 0 0 1 00 0 0 1 4 25 1 4 51 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 5
9 Radosavljević D. 18:22 6 100 3 3 1000 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 70 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -8 12
10 Vasić L. * 37:06 5 9.1 0 3 01 8 12.5 2 4 50 8 0 84 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 -4 5
11 Mašić V. 22:00 8 50 4 6 66.70 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 21 0 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 6 7
12 Blagojević N. 00:42 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
13 Tomašević B. * 32:25 27 58.8 5 9 55.65 8 62.5 2 3 66.7 5 3 81 0 3 0 1 2 5 0 0 0 -3 27
14 Čojbašić M. 02:27 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 -1
15 Kolarić D. 00:00

Team Compare

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O TAss St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
Crvena zvezda U19 200:00 68 41.4 16 34 47.1 8 24 33.3 12 21 57.1 25 14 3915 4 15 1 3 18 25 0 0 0-573
Cibona U19 200:00 73 48.3 17 32 53.1 11 26 42.3 6 15 40 19 5 2419 6 10 3 1 25 18 0 0 05 68

Cibona U19

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O TAss St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
4 Paponja F. 22:48 3 100 0 0 01 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 -4 0
5 Škara S. 00:00
6 Majcunić H. 00:00
7 Rašić S. * 40:00 25 60 2 3 66.77 12 58.3 0 0 0 3 1 4 1 2 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 5 21
8 Prkačin R. * 37:02 23 36 8 19 42.11 6 16.7 4 9 44.4 5 3 8 6 1 2 0 0 3 8 0 0 0 4 20
9 Bistrović D. * 35:47 10 66.7 2 2 1002 4 50 0 2 0 2 0 2 3 1 3 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 5 10
10 Cvitanović L. 02:55 0 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -1
11 Porobić V. 09:27 6 75 3 3 1000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 -5 3
12 Buljević L. 00:00
13 Gnjidić L. * 17:11 2 0 0 1 00 1 0 2 2 100 1 1 2 6 1 2 1 0 5 4 0 0 0 9 7
14 Kalajžić F. 00:00
15 Branković D. * 34:50 4 50 2 4 500 0 0 0 2 0 8 0 8 3 0 1 2 0 5 1 0 0 0 7 8

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FstBr - Fast break

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - rank Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

2ndCh - Second chance


Bojan Đerić, trener Crvene zvezde mts:

"Nismo ispoštovali neke naše taktičke zamisli, to je Cibona iskoristila, dali smo sve od sebe, ali na kraju nismo uspeli. Mnogi bi voleli da budu u našoj situaciji i da igraju dva finala, ja to ne gledam kao drugi poraz jer ja učim moje igrače da uvek idu na pobedu u finalu. To je neka moja filozofija. Da bi igrači mogli da napreduju u svojim karijerama, potrebno je da imaju ovakve utakmice. Što se tiče same organizacije, svima želim da se zahvalim, prilimli su nas fantastično, ovakvi turniri su potrebni ovim mladim košarkašima da igraju kako bi napredovale u svojim karijerama. Košarka se ne igra zbog mene, već zbog publike koja dolazi da gleda utakmice, i puna dvorana je pobeda za nas. Voleo bih da 20 njih od ovih nekoliko hiljada koji su bili u dvorani tokom vikenda počnu da se bave košarkom."

Ivan Juran, trener Cibone:

"Ne mogu izraziti koliko sam sretan zbog ovih igrača, ovo je plod njihovog treninga, truda i zalaganja koji svaki dan ostavljaju u dvorani kada nema nikoga oko njih. I to je ključ svega ovo što se danas dogodilo. Preponosan sam na svoje momke. Sa druge strane, znali smo koliko je Zvezda dominantna. Trebate uzeti u obzir da do sada nisu poraženi u ABA Ligi, i dosta smo razmišljali kako taktički da ih nadmudrimo. Išli smo na to da im usporimo ritam, to im ne paše. Brutalno smo povlačili svoje igrače nazad i čekali neki svoj tempo. Išao sam na rizik da se po cenu pada i umora Prkačina, Brankovića, Rašića i drugih, dogodi slabiji momenat u utakmici. Međutim, i druga ekipa nije mogla non stop da drži najviši ritam. Zadovoljan sam što smo odradili jednu jaku seniorsku utakmicu, i što smo pobedili protiv kluba koji poštujem, kao i njihovog trenera i način rada. Možda će ovo pomoći nekim od mojih igrača da se dogodi klik, i da će da se prelomi, da pređu tu stepenicu i da duboko uđu u ozbiljnu košarku. Jer se na ovakvim stvarima odvajaju dječaci od muškaraca. Ovo su turniri na kojima se to najviše vidi. Moram i da kažem svaka čast organizatorima, Slavonskom Brodu, publici, na energiji koju su nam dali sa tribina. Zahvaljujem najviše što mogu."



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end of 1. quarter
00:10 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. assist
00:1021 : 27 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. made 2 points (layup)
00:2919 : 27 PRKAČIN R. made 2 points (layup)
00:4319 : 25 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. made 2 points (layup)
01:08 19 GNJIDIĆ L. assist
01:0817 : 25 2 RAŠIĆ S. made 3 points (jump shot)
01:11 (offensive)
01:15 PRKAČIN R. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:32 VASIĆ L. assist
01:3217 : 22 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. made 3 points (jump shot)
01:40 VASIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
01:43 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (jump shot)
01:56 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. substitution (in)
01:56 MAŠIĆ V. substitution (out)
01:56 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. substitution (in)
01:56 7 POPOVIĆ N. substitution (out)
01:56 PRKAČIN R. foul on
01:56 7 POPOVIĆ N. turnover (offensive)
01:56 7 POPOVIĆ N. foul (offensive)
02:01 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
02:04 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
02:23 7 POPOVIĆ N. assist
02:2314 : 22 VASIĆ L. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:29 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. rebound (offensive)
02:31 7 POPOVIĆ N. missed 2 points (layup)
02:5111 : 22 BISTROVIĆ D. made 2 points (layup)
02:55 BISTROVIĆ D. steal
02:55 MAŠIĆ V. turnover (bad pass)
03:15 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. assist
03:1511 : 20 PRKAČIN R. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:2411 : 17 7 POPOVIĆ N. made free throw (2 of 2)
03:2410 : 17 7 POPOVIĆ N. made free throw (1 of 2)
03:24 7 POPOVIĆ N. foul on
03:24 PRKAČIN R. foul (personal)
03:449 : 17 19 GNJIDIĆ L. made free throw (2 of 2)
03:449 : 16 19 GNJIDIĆ L. made free throw (1 of 2)
03:44 MAŠIĆ V. substitution (in)
03:44 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. substitution (out)
03:44 19 GNJIDIĆ L. foul on
03:44 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. foul (personal)
03:57 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (in)
03:57 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. substitution (out)
03:57 19 GNJIDIĆ L. foul on
03:57 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. turnover (offensive)
03:57 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. foul (offensive)
04:09 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. rebound (defensive)
04:10 PRKAČIN R. missed free throw (1of1)
04:10 PRKAČIN R. foul on
04:10 7 POPOVIĆ N. foul (personal)
04:10 19 GNJIDIĆ L. assist
04:109 : 15 PRKAČIN R. made 2 points (layup)
04:11 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. substitution (in)
04:11 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (out)
04:11 (offensive)
04:12 19 GNJIDIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:23 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
04:27 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. missed 2 points (jump shot)
04:45 19 GNJIDIĆ L. assist
04:459 : 13 BISTROVIĆ D. made 3 points (jump shot)
04:48 BISTROVIĆ D. foul on
04:48 VASIĆ L. foul (personal)
05:02 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. assist
05:029 : 10 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made 3 points (jump shot)
05:24 19 GNJIDIĆ L. assist
05:246 : 10 PRKAČIN R. made 2 points (layup)
05:43 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. turnover (bad pass)
05:48 7 POPOVIĆ N. rebound (offensive)
05:49 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. missed free throw (2 of 2)
05:49 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. assist
05:496 : 8 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. made free throw (1 of 2)
05:49 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. foul on
05:49 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. foul (personal)
06:05 19 GNJIDIĆ L. assist
06:055 : 8 PRKAČIN R. made free throw (2 of 2)
06:05 PRKAČIN R. missed free throw (1 of 2)
06:05 PRKAČIN R. foul on
06:05 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. foul (personal)
06:20 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. assist
06:205 : 7 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made 2 points (layup)
06:28 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. foul on
06:28 BISTROVIĆ D. foul (personal)
06:29 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. steal
06:29 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. turnover (ballhandling)
06:33 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
06:37 VASIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:50 7 POPOVIĆ N. substitution (in)
06:50 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. substitution (out)
06:50 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. foul on
06:50 19 GNJIDIĆ L. foul (personal)
07:05 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. assist
07:053 : 7 2 RAŠIĆ S. made 2 points (layup)
07:23 VASIĆ L. assist
07:233 : 5 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made 3 points (jump shot)
07:24 VASIĆ L. foul on
07:24 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. foul (personal)
07:30 VASIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
07:33 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (jump shot)
07:42 PRKAČIN R. rebound (defensive)
07:46 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:050 : 5 PRKAČIN R. made 2 points (layup)
08:28 (24sec)
08:57 PRKAČIN R. assist
08:570 : 3 2 RAŠIĆ S. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:05 PRKAČIN R. rebound (defensive)
09:08 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. missed 2 points (layup)
09:12 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. steal
09:12 BISTROVIĆ D. turnover (ballhandling)
09:25 BISTROVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
09:29 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:38 (offensive)
09:38 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. block
09:38 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. missed 2 points (layup)
09:43 VASIĆ L. foul on
09:43 BISTROVIĆ D. foul (personal)
09:59 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. jumpball (lost)
09:59 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. jumpball (won)
start of 1. quarter
game started
KARAPANDŽIĆ S in starting lineup
PAVIĆEVIĆ M in starting lineup
MANOJLOVIĆ N in starting lineup
TOMAŠEVIĆ B in starting lineup
VASIĆ L in starting lineup
RAŠIĆ S in starting lineup
BRANKOVIĆ D in starting lineup
BISTROVIĆ D in starting lineup
GNJIDIĆ L in starting lineup
PRKAČIN R in starting lineup
end of 2. quarter
00:04 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. rebound (defensive)
00:07 19 GNJIDIĆ L. missed 2 points (layup)
00:25 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
00:28 VASIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:33 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. steal
00:33 19 GNJIDIĆ L. turnover (bad pass)
00:4034 : 45 VASIĆ L. made free throw (2 of 2)
00:4033 : 45 VASIĆ L. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:40 VASIĆ L. foul on
00:40 19 GNJIDIĆ L. foul (personal)
00:42 VASIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
00:46 PRKAČIN R. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:50 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
00:53 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. missed 2 points (layup)
01:1532 : 45 2 RAŠIĆ S. made 3 points (jump shot)
01:39 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. substitution (in)
01:39 7 POPOVIĆ N. substitution (out)
01:39 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. substitution (in)
01:39 MAŠIĆ V. substitution (out)
01:39 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (in)
01:39 ČOJBAŠIĆ M. substitution (out)
01:39 19 GNJIDIĆ L. foul on
01:39 7 POPOVIĆ N. foul (personal)
01:39 19 GNJIDIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
01:45 VASIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:08 PRKAČIN R. assist
02:0832 : 42 2 RAŠIĆ S. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:15 2 RAŠIĆ S. rebound (offensive)
02:23 CVITANOVIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:32 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
02:34 ČOJBAŠIĆ M. missed 2 points (layup)
02:55 CVITANOVIĆ L. substitution (in)
02:55 BISTROVIĆ D. substitution (out)
02:55 BISTROVIĆ D. turnover (outofbounds)
03:13 19 GNJIDIĆ L. substitution (in)
03:13 PAPONJA F. substitution (out)
03:1332 : 39 7 POPOVIĆ N. made free throw (2 of 2)
03:13 7 POPOVIĆ N. missed free throw (1 of 2)
03:13 ČOJBAŠIĆ M. substitution (in)
03:13 BLAGOJEVIĆ N. substitution (out)
03:13 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. substitution (in)
03:13 22 POROBIĆ V. substitution (out)
03:13 7 POPOVIĆ N. foul on
03:13 22 POROBIĆ V. foul (personal)
03:31 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. rebound (defensive)
03:35 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (layup)
03:4831 : 39 7 POPOVIĆ N. made 2 points (dunk)
03:53 7 POPOVIĆ N. rebound (offensive)
03:55 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. missed free throw (2 of 2)
03:55 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. missed free throw (1 of 2)
03:55 BLAGOJEVIĆ N. substitution (in)
03:55 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. substitution (out)
03:55 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. foul on
03:55 PRKAČIN R. foul (personal)
03:55 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. rebound (offensive)
03:57 VASIĆ L. missed 2 points (layup)
04:2129 : 39 PRKAČIN R. made 2 points (dunk)
04:33 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. turnover (3sec)
04:40 MAŠIĆ V. substitution (in)
04:40 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. substitution (out)
04:40 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. foul on
04:40 2 RAŠIĆ S. foul (personal)
04:55 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. substitution (in)
04:55 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. substitution (out)
04:5629 : 37 22 POROBIĆ V. made 2 points (layup)
05:02 2 RAŠIĆ S. steal
05:02 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. turnover (bad pass)
05:06 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. steal
05:06 PAPONJA F. turnover (bad pass)
05:21 PRKAČIN R. foul on
05:21 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. foul (personal)
05:44 7 POPOVIĆ N. assist
05:4429 : 35 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:04 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. substitution (in)
06:04 ČOJBAŠIĆ M. substitution (out)
06:04 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. foul on
06:04 PAPONJA F. foul (personal)
06:05 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
06:08 2 RAŠIĆ S. missed 2 points (jump shot)
06:24 BISTROVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
06:27 VASIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:30 7 POPOVIĆ N. foul on
06:30 22 POROBIĆ V. foul (personal)
06:35 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. foul on
06:35 2 RAŠIĆ S. foul (personal)
06:4726 : 35 22 POROBIĆ V. made 2 points (layup)
06:57 22 POROBIĆ V. substitution (in)
06:57 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. substitution (out)
06:57 ČOJBAŠIĆ M. substitution (in)
06:57 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. substitution (out)
06:57 7 POPOVIĆ N. substitution (in)
06:57 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (out)
06:57 (offensive)
07:00 2 RAŠIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:06 2 RAŠIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
07:09 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. missed 2 points (layup)
07:39 BISTROVIĆ D. assist
07:3926 : 33 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. made 2 points (jump shot)
07:5126 : 31 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. made 2 points (layup)
07:52 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. rebound (offensive)
07:54 VASIĆ L. missed 2 points (layup)
08:1224 : 31 PRKAČIN R. made 2 points (jump shot)
08:36 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. assist
08:3624 : 29 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:42 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
08:46 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:54 PRKAČIN R. rebound (defensive)
08:58 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:08 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. rebound (defensive)
09:12 BISTROVIĆ D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:20 (defensive)
09:22 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. missed 2 points (jump shot)
09:46 PRKAČIN R. assist
09:4621 : 29 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. made 2 points (jump shot)
start of 2. quarter
10:00 PAPONJA F. substitution (in)
10:00 19 GNJIDIĆ L. substitution (out)
end of 3. quarter
00:01 19 GNJIDIĆ L. rebound (offensive)
00:08 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. block
00:08 2 RAŠIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:26 19 GNJIDIĆ L. substitution (in)
00:26 PAPONJA F. substitution (out)
00:26 DOBRAŠINOVIĆ V. substitution (in)
00:26 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (out)
00:26 MAŠIĆ V. assist
00:2653 : 63 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. made free throw (2 of 2)
00:2652 : 63 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:26 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. foul on
00:26 22 POROBIĆ V. foul (personal)
00:35 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. rebound (offensive)
00:36 VASIĆ L. missed free throw (2 of 2)
00:36 VASIĆ L. missed free throw (1 of 2)
00:36 VASIĆ L. foul on
00:36 22 POROBIĆ V. foul (personal)
00:38 22 POROBIĆ V. substitution (in)
00:38 BISTROVIĆ D. substitution (out)
00:44 PRKAČIN R. turnover (outofbounds)
00:4851 : 63 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made 2 points (layup)
00:48 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. rebound (offensive)
00:50 VASIĆ L. missed 2 points (layup)
00:54 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. rebound (defensive)
00:57 BISTROVIĆ D. missed free throw (2 of 2)
00:57 BISTROVIĆ D. missed free throw (1 of 2)
00:57 VASIĆ L. substitution (in)
00:57 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. substitution (out)
00:57 BISTROVIĆ D. foul on
00:57 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. foul (personal)
01:0649 : 63 MAŠIĆ V. made 2 points (jump shot)
01:17 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. rebound (defensive)
01:20 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (layup)
01:33 2 RAŠIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
01:36 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:59 MAŠIĆ V. substitution (in)
01:59 VASIĆ L. substitution (out)
01:5947 : 63 PRKAČIN R. made free throw (2 of 2)
01:5947 : 62 PRKAČIN R. made free throw (1 of 2)
01:59 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. substitution (in)
01:59 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. substitution (out)
01:59 PRKAČIN R. foul on
01:59 VASIĆ L. foul (personal)
02:09 PRKAČIN R. steal
02:09 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. turnover (bad pass)
02:32 PRKAČIN R. assist
02:3247 : 61 2 RAŠIĆ S. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:46 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. assist
02:4647 : 58 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. made 2 points (layup)
02:56 VASIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
02:59 PRKAČIN R. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:15 VASIĆ L. substitution (in)
03:15 MAŠIĆ V. substitution (out)
03:15 (defensive)
03:18 MAŠIĆ V. missed 2 points (layup)
03:31 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (in)
03:31 7 POPOVIĆ N. substitution (out)
03:31 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. foul on
03:31 PRKAČIN R. turnover (offensive)
03:31 PRKAČIN R. foul (offensive)
03:41 2 RAŠIĆ S. steal
03:41 7 POPOVIĆ N. turnover (bad pass)
03:48 MAŠIĆ V. foul on
03:48 PAPONJA F. foul (personal)
04:07 2 RAŠIĆ S. assist
04:0745 : 58 BISTROVIĆ D. made 2 points (layup)
04:2645 : 56 MAŠIĆ V. made 2 points (layup)
04:5243 : 56 BISTROVIĆ D. made 3 points (jump shot)
04:58 PRKAČIN R. foul on
04:58 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. foul (personal)
05:08 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. substitution (in)
05:08 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. substitution (out)
05:08 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. substitution (in)
05:08 VASIĆ L. substitution (out)
05:08 7 POPOVIĆ N. turnover (travel)
05:32 BISTROVIĆ D. assist
05:3243 : 53 PRKAČIN R. made 2 points (dunk)
05:38 BISTROVIĆ D. foul on
05:38 VASIĆ L. foul (personal)
05:38 PRKAČIN R. rebound (defensive)
05:46 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. block
05:46 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. missed 2 points (layup)
06:10 BISTROVIĆ D. turnover (travel)
06:18 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. assist
06:1843 : 51 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:38 PRKAČIN R. assist
06:3840 : 51 2 RAŠIĆ S. made 2 points (jump shot)
06:5040 : 49 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made free throw (1of1)
06:50 PAPONJA F. substitution (in)
06:50 19 GNJIDIĆ L. substitution (out)
06:50 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. foul on
06:50 19 GNJIDIĆ L. foul (personal)
06:5039 : 49 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made 2 points (layup)
06:51 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. rebound (offensive)
06:55 VASIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:02 MAŠIĆ V. rebound (offensive)
07:07 VASIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:16 MAŠIĆ V. foul on
07:16 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. foul (personal)
07:16 MAŠIĆ V. rebound (offensive)
07:18 7 POPOVIĆ N. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:40 VASIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
07:42 PRKAČIN R. missed 3 points (jump shot)
08:02 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
08:05 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:1837 : 49 PRKAČIN R. made free throw (2 of 2)
08:18 PRKAČIN R. missed free throw (1 of 2)
08:18 7 POPOVIĆ N. substitution (in)
08:18 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (out)
08:18 PRKAČIN R. foul on
08:18 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. foul (personal)
08:18 PRKAČIN R. rebound (offensive)
08:21 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (layup)
08:22 PRKAČIN R. rebound (defensive)
08:27 19 GNJIDIĆ L. block
08:27 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. missed 2 points (layup)
08:39 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. rebound (defensive)
08:43 PRKAČIN R. missed 3 points (jump shot)
08:5537 : 48 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. made free throw (2 of 2)
08:55 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. missed free throw (1 of 2)
08:55 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. foul on
08:55 19 GNJIDIĆ L. foul (personal)
08:55 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. rebound (offensive)
08:59 MAŠIĆ V. missed 2 points (jump shot)
09:19 19 GNJIDIĆ L. assist
09:1936 : 48 2 RAŠIĆ S. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:27 VASIĆ L. assist
09:2736 : 45 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. made 2 points (layup)
09:39 (defensive)
09:43 BISTROVIĆ D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:47 MAŠIĆ V. substitution (in)
09:47 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. substitution (out)
09:47 19 GNJIDIĆ L. foul on
09:47 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. foul (personal)
09:47 19 GNJIDIĆ L. steal
09:47 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. turnover (ballhandling)
start of 3. quarter
10:00 BISTROVIĆ D. substitution (in)
10:00 CVITANOVIĆ L. substitution (out)
10:00 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. substitution (in)
10:00 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. substitution (out)
game finished
end of 4. quarter
00:03 22 POROBIĆ V. foul on
00:03 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. foul (personal)
00:03 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. substitution (in)
00:03 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. substitution (out)
00:0368 : 73 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made 2 points (layup)
00:03 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. rebound (offensive)
00:06 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. missed 2 points (layup)
00:10 2 RAŠIĆ S. turnover (outofbounds)
00:23 22 POROBIĆ V. foul on
00:23 MAŠIĆ V. foul (personal)
00:24 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. turnover (outofbounds)
00:30 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
00:33 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (jump shot)
00:49 7 POPOVIĆ N. turnover (travel)
01:00 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. rebound (defensive)
01:05 2 RAŠIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:27 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. substitution (in)
01:27 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (out)
01:2766 : 73 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. made free throw (2 of 2)
01:27 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. missed free throw (1 of 2)
01:27 22 POROBIĆ V. substitution (in)
01:27 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. substitution (out)
01:27 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. foul on
01:27 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. foul (personal)
01:36 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
01:39 2 RAŠIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:02 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
02:05 VASIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:18 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. foul on
02:18 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. foul (personal)
02:23 VASIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
02:25 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (layup)
02:31 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
02:36 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:41 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (in)
02:41 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. substitution (out)
03:03 PRKAČIN R. assist
03:0365 : 73 PAPONJA F. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:2565 : 70 MAŠIĆ V. made 2 points (layup)
03:37 7 POPOVIĆ N. rebound (defensive)
03:38 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. missed free throw (2 of 2)
03:38 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. missed free throw (1 of 2)
03:38 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. foul on
03:38 VASIĆ L. foul (personal)
03:55 MAŠIĆ V. substitution (in)
03:55 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. substitution (out)
03:55 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. turnover (bad pass)
04:11 BISTROVIĆ D. assist
04:1163 : 70 PRKAČIN R. made 2 points (dunk)
04:30 2 RAŠIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
04:34 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:52 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. rebound (defensive)
04:57 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:1563 : 68 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made free throw (2 of 2)
05:15 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. missed free throw (1 of 2)
05:15 KARAPANDŽIĆ S. substitution (in)
05:15 MAŠIĆ V. substitution (out)
05:15 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. foul on
05:15 PAPONJA F. foul (personal)
05:24 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
05:29 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:45 PAPONJA F. steal
05:45 MAŠIĆ V. turnover (bad pass)
05:53 PRKAČIN R. substitution (in)
05:53 22 POROBIĆ V. substitution (out)
05:53 7 POPOVIĆ N. foul on
05:53 2 RAŠIĆ S. foul (personal)
06:08 VASIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
06:11 22 POROBIĆ V. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:30 7 POPOVIĆ N. assist
06:3062 : 68 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. made 2 points (layup)
06:42 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. rebound (offensive)
06:46 MAŠIĆ V. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:02 VASIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
07:04 2 RAŠIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:1960 : 68 MAŠIĆ V. made 2 points (layup)
07:36 2 BRANKOVIĆ D. assist
07:3658 : 68 22 POROBIĆ V. made 2 points (jump shot)
07:55 RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. substitution (in)
07:55 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. substitution (out)
07:55 7 POPOVIĆ N. substitution (in)
07:55 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (out)
07:55 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. turnover (bad pass)
07:58 55 MANOJLOVIĆ N. rebound (offensive)
08:04 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
08:2858 : 66 2 RAŠIĆ S. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:51 22 POROBIĆ V. substitution (in)
08:51 PRKAČIN R. substitution (out)
08:54 VASIĆ L. assist
08:5458 : 63 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:06 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. rebound (defensive)
09:08 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (layup)
09:09 PRKAČIN R. rebound (offensive)
09:12 PRKAČIN R. missed 2 points (layup)
09:19 PRKAČIN R. rebound (offensive)
09:20 PRKAČIN R. missed free throw (2 of 2)
09:20 PRKAČIN R. missed free throw (1 of 2)
09:20 BISTROVIĆ D. substitution (in)
09:20 22 POROBIĆ V. substitution (out)
09:20 PRKAČIN R. foul on
09:20 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. foul (personal)
09:3255 : 63 TOMAŠEVIĆ B. made 2 points (layup)
09:38 PAPONJA F. substitution (in)
09:38 19 GNJIDIĆ L. substitution (out)
09:38 MAŠIĆ V. foul on
09:38 19 GNJIDIĆ L. foul (personal)
09:41 (offensive)
09:44 MAŠIĆ V. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:54 19 GNJIDIĆ L. turnover (bad pass)
start of 4. quarter
10:00 PAVIĆEVIĆ M. substitution (in)
10:00 DOBRAŠINOVIĆ V. substitution (out)

Players on court

4 Karapandžić S. 22:55 6 2 2 2 4 1
7 Popović N. 22:54 5 3 3 0 3 5
9 Radosavljević D. 18:22 6 7 0 1 1 12
10 Vasić L. 37:06 5 8 4 0 4 5
11 Mašić V. 22:00 8 2 1 0 1 7
4 Paponja F. 22:48 3 0 0 1 3 0
7 Rašić S. 40:00 25 4 1 2 3 21
8 Prkačin R. 37:02 23 8 6 1 3 20
9 Bistrović D. 35:47 10 2 3 1 2 10
11 Porobić V. 09:27 6 0 0 0 4 3

Last 5 actions

Min Score Action
game finished
end of 4. quarter
00:03 (Q4) 22 POROBIĆ V. foul on
00:03 (Q4) RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. foul (personal)
00:03 (Q4) RADOSAVLJEVIĆ D. substitution (in)
00:03 (Q4) TOMAŠEVIĆ B. substitution (out)

Top players

Tomašević B. 27 - 21 Rašić S.
Tomašević B. 27 - 25 Rašić S.
Vasić L. 8 - 8 Prkačin R.
Vasić L. 4 - 6 Prkačin R.

Match live on TV:

  • Arenasport BIH 4
  • Arenasport CRO 2
  • Arenasport MKD 4
  • Arenasport MNE 4
  • Arenasport SRB 4
Result Graph
Graphic Stats

Team comparison

Shooting chart
  • Made Shot Crvena zvezda U19
  • Missed Shot Crvena zvezda U19
  • Made Shot Cibona U19
  • Missed Shot Cibona U19

