ROUND 21, AdmiralBet ABA League, Season 2023/24
Friday, 01.03.2024 19:00 CET
Venue: Dvorana Krešimir Ćosić
77 : 61
25:19 19:12 19:9 14:21
Commissioner: Zoran Veselinović
Referees: Milivoje Jovčić, Vladimir Vesković, Vojislav Lepetić



Team Stats - Offense, Season 2023/24

Ave. Ave.
O. Rebounds
D. Rebounds

Team Stats - Defense, Season 2023/24

Ave. Ave.
O. Rebounds
D. Rebounds

Player Stats, Season 2023/24


Head-to-head records in Regional Leagues

Home team
Away team




Home record vs. Split: 0:0
Away record vs. Split: 0:0
Record vs. Split at neutral venue: 0:0
Home record vs. Zadar: 0:0
Away record vs. Zadar: 0:0
Record vs. Zadar at neutral venue: 0:0

Results in Regional Leagues

Season Date Phase Home Result Away
Danijel Jusup, trener Zadra: 

“Ovo je za nas važna i teška utakmica. Dolazi nam protivnik se kojim već dvije godine „ratujemo“, borimo se na parketu. Stanku smo iskoristili za jedan malo jači mikro ciklus priprema, malo smo spuštali formu što se i vidjelo protiv Škrljeva. Neki igrači bili su na reprezentativnim obvezama, to uvijek donosi neke upitnike i nama i drugima. Što se tiče Splita, tu nema posebnih novosti. Imaju izuzetne šutere u Shorteru i Perkoviću, Amerikanci dominiraju u organizaciji igre i morat ćemo se boriti i biti koncentrirani do kraja. Zahvaljujem publici na dosadašnjoj podršci, nadam se da će i ovog puta doći i podržati nas.”

Marko Ramljak, igrač Zadra: 

“Bilo da igramo kući ili vani, sve utakmice u zadnje dvije sezone su bile slične, rovovska borba i egal do samog kraja. Ne bih se čudio da tako bude i ovaj put. Napravili smo u pauzi dobre treninge da se malo dignemo fizički, bilo je i nešto ozljeda, igrača u reprezentaciji... Utakmice nakon stanke su uvijek nezgodne, bitna nam je za play off i što bolju poziciju u njemu. U ovom natjecanju igraju s tri Amerikanca na parketu, to im je olakšavajuće u odnosu na Kup. Moramo koncentrirano početi od prve sekunde. Nadam se da će navijači napraviti atmosferu kakva je bila na Gripama, da će nam dati dodatni naboj, bilo bi nam svima lakše.”

Slaven Rimac, trener Splita: 

“Poznajemo se, ovo nam je peta utakmica ove sezone, 3:1 je za njih, ali idemo u Zadar revanširati se. Dobro treniramo, očekujem kvalitetnu utakmicu. Recept se zna, trebamo umanjiti Božićev učinak, igra na visokom nivou i druge čini boljima. Generalno, Zadar igra strpljivo, a mi smo ti koji moramo pokazati pomak u igri. Prihvaćam izazov ovih 3:1 i idemo sve učiniti da budemo bolji već u ovoj utakmici.”

Boris Tišma, igrač Splita: 

“Važna utakmica je pred nama, na Višnjiku možemo puno toga napraviti na putu prema doigravanju. Maksimalno respektiramo Zadar, igraju čvrstu košarku, a na nama je da se prikažemo u najboljem svjetlu, da damo maksimum.”


overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
3 Davis Jr J. 10:29 5 40 1 1 1001 4 25 0 0 0 2 0 20 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 5
6 Klarica K. 03:29 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 1
7 Vujačić P. 02:47 0 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
9 Žganec K. * 26:40 6 33.3 2 4 500 2 0 2 2 100 3 2 53 2 1 0 0 3 4 4 0 0 26 12
14 Mazalin L. * 25:11 21 100 9 9 1000 0 0 3 4 75 4 1 52 0 3 0 0 3 4 18 4 2 16 25
19 Lakić A. * 25:52 11 50 2 3 66.72 5 40 1 2 50 1 0 10 1 0 0 0 2 2 4 0 5 16 8
20 Mekić A. 13:11 5 40 1 2 501 3 33.3 0 0 0 2 2 42 1 1 0 0 3 0 2 3 0 2 5
22 Jambrović P. 02:01 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0
24 Drežnjak D. 16:05 7 28.6 1 3 33.31 4 25 2 4 50 3 0 31 0 1 0 0 3 3 2 3 0 -9 3
26 Grbić V. 01:35 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0
29 Božić L. * 37:59 6 20 1 4 251 6 16.7 1 1 100 6 1 79 1 2 0 1 2 4 2 0 0 18 14
46 Ramljak M. * 34:40 16 50 6 10 601 4 25 1 1 100 3 4 74 6 0 0 0 3 2 12 6 3 19 25

Team Compare

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O TAss St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
Zadar 200:00 77 46.2 23 36 63.9 7 29 24.1 10 14 71.4 26 10 3621 11 8 1 1 19 19 46 16 121698
Split 200:00 61 39.6 12 28 42.9 9 25 36 10 14 71.4 26 7 3310 6 19 1 1 19 18 20 10 6-16 54


overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O TAss St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
0 Funderburk D. 22:27 8 44.4 4 6 66.70 3 0 0 1 0 4 2 6 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 8 2 0 -13 6
1 Perković T. 24:11 3 25 0 1 01 3 33.3 0 0 0 2 1 3 5 0 5 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 -11 5
2 Shorter S. * 24:37 6 25 1 3 33.31 5 20 1 1 100 3 1 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 -22 8
3 Sullivan L. * 20:12 7 40 2 4 500 1 0 3 4 75 2 1 3 0 2 3 0 0 5 3 2 2 0 -11 3
6 Kalajžić M. 21:56 11 44.4 3 6 501 3 33.3 2 3 66.7 3 1 4 1 2 1 0 0 1 3 6 0 5 -1 13
7 Tišma B. * 17:50 12 80 1 2 503 3 100 1 2 50 3 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 12
8 Runjić L. 09:53 3 0 0 2 00 1 0 3 3 100 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 -8 -1
9 Klepo A. 00:00
10 Kučić V. * 18:04 3 33.3 0 1 01 2 50 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 -15 1
11 Vuko T. 16:18 3 33.3 0 1 01 2 50 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 10 -3
13 Perkušić A. 03:29 3 50 0 0 01 2 50 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4
98 Ljubičić K. * 21:03 2 50 1 2 500 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 -18 6

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FstBr - Fast break

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - rank Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

2ndCh - Second chance

Danijel Jusup, trener Zadra:

"Naglašavali smo da moramo krenuti od obrane i više koševa iz tranzicije, u tome smo uspjeli, naročito u prvom poluvremenu. Što se tiče drugog poluvremena igrali smo jako dobru obranu, nismo im dali lagani šut i tu smo napravili razliku i odveli utakmicu tamo gdje nam odgovara. Čestitam dečkima i zahvaljujem publici, moramo se malo odmoriti, napraviti regeneraciju i gurati od treninga do treninga, od utakmice do utakmice."

Slaven Rimac, trener Splita:

"Zadar je nastavio u pobjedničkom ritmu kojim je došao do kupa. Danas nije bio naš dan, ne mogu tražiti izlike, ali treba znati da su neki bili u reprezentaciji, neki u Americi, skupili smo se prije dva dana. Očekivao sam bolje izdanje,  ali iza nas je jako težak period i gledali smo da odmorimo igrače, da olakšamo taj neki mentalni pritisak utakmica kojih je bilo puno. Trebat ćenam neko vrijeme da uđemo u ritam. Malo nam je ta kemija i rotacija drugačija jer imamo sad Kučića i Ljubičića, ali on je bio dva mjeseca bez utakmice, trebat će mu malo vremena. Imali smo četiri ili pet neraspoloženih igrača ali trebali smo prvo vrijeme završiti sa šest ili sedam razlike, što bi po prikazanom bilo realnije nego 13. Nije ni Zadar imao šutersku večer, ali mi imamo igrače kojima je šuterski rang puno jači."
Legal notice: ABA League, in cooperation with its clubs, grants access to a number of photos from ABA League games, as well as some additional events, linked to the competition. These images are high resolution and downloadable directly from the the photo galleries. They are free to use for editorial purposes. Please, make sure to credit the authors of the photos with the source, signed beneath each photo in order to avoid undesirable legal consequences.
Lovro Mazalin (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Luka Bozic (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Danijel Jusup (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Slaven Rimac (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Karlo Zganec (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Marko Ramljak (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Slaven Rimac (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Shannon Shorter (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Mate Kalajzic (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Luka Bozic (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Vice Grbic (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Zadar team (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Danijel Jusup (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) Patrik Jambrovic (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin) (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin)
end of 1. quarter
00:03 29 BOŽIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
00:03 0 FUNDERBURK D. missed free throw (1of1)
00:03 0 FUNDERBURK D. foul on
00:03 24 DREŽNJAK D. foul (personal)
00:0325 : 19 0 FUNDERBURK D. made 2 points (jump shot)
00:03 0 FUNDERBURK D. rebound (offensive)
00:04 1 PERKOVIĆ T. missed 2 points (jump shot)
00:17 0 FUNDERBURK D. rebound (offensive)
00:19 2 SHORTER S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:33 KALAJŽIĆ M. rebound (offensive)
00:37 2 SHORTER S. missed 2 points (jump shot)
00:48 11 VUKO T. foul on
00:48 14 MAZALIN L. foul (personal)
00:58 29 BOŽIĆ L. assist
00:5825 : 17 14 MAZALIN L. made 2 points (layup)
01:08 14 MAZALIN L. rebound (offensive)
01:11 24 DREŽNJAK D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:18 46 RAMLJAK M. rebound (offensive)
01:21 19 LAKIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:4823 : 17 KALAJŽIĆ M. made free throw (1of1)
01:48 KALAJŽIĆ M. foul on
01:48 19 LAKIĆ A. foul (personal)
01:4823 : 16 KALAJŽIĆ M. made 2 points (layup)
01:51 KALAJŽIĆ M. steal
01:51 24 DREŽNJAK D. turnover (bad pass)
02:04 1 PERKOVIĆ T. assist
02:0423 : 14 0 FUNDERBURK D. made 2 points (jump shot)
02:15 2 SHORTER S. foul on
02:15 46 RAMLJAK M. foul (personal)
02:30 11 VUKO T. substitution (in)
02:30 3 SULLIVAN L. substitution (out)
02:30 29 BOŽIĆ L. assist
02:3023 : 12 46 RAMLJAK M. made 2 points (floatingjump shot)
02:46 1 PERKOVIĆ T. assist
02:4621 : 12 0 FUNDERBURK D. made 2 points (jump shot)
03:03 24 DREŽNJAK D. substitution (in)
03:03 9 ŽGANEC K. substitution (out)
03:03 14 MAZALIN L. assist
03:0321 : 10 46 RAMLJAK M. made 2 points (layup)
03:10 9 ŽGANEC K. steal
03:10 1 PERKOVIĆ T. turnover (bad pass)
03:2319 : 10 14 MAZALIN L. made free throw (2 of 2)
03:2318 : 10 14 MAZALIN L. made free throw (1 of 2)
03:23 KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (in)
03:23 2 SHORTER S. substitution (in)
03:23 10 KUČIĆ V. substitution (out)
03:23 7 TIŠMA B. substitution (out)
03:23 14 MAZALIN L. foul on
03:23 10 KUČIĆ V. foul (personal)
03:36 9 ŽGANEC K. steal
03:36 3 SULLIVAN L. turnover (bad pass)
03:5117 : 10 29 BOŽIĆ L. made 2 points (layup)
04:05 0 FUNDERBURK D. turnover (bad pass)
04:21 1 PERKOVIĆ T. substitution (in)
04:21 2 SHORTER S. substitution (out)
04:21 14 MAZALIN L. turnover (travel)
04:25 46 RAMLJAK M. steal
04:25 3 SULLIVAN L. turnover (bad pass)
04:3715 : 10 9 ŽGANEC K. made 2 points (jump shot)
04:5513 : 10 3 SULLIVAN L. made 2 points (jump shot)
05:06 0 FUNDERBURK D. rebound (defensive)
05:08 29 BOŽIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
05:22 14 MAZALIN L. rebound (defensive)
05:26 10 KUČIĆ V. missed 3 points (jump shot)
05:38 46 RAMLJAK M. assist
05:3813 : 8 14 MAZALIN L. made free throw (2 of 2)
05:38 14 MAZALIN L. missed free throw (1 of 2)
05:38 14 MAZALIN L. foul on
05:38 0 FUNDERBURK D. foul (personal)
05:47 0 FUNDERBURK D. substitution (in)
05:47 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. substitution (out)
05:47 29 BOŽIĆ L. foul on
05:47 7 TIŠMA B. foul (personal)
06:0812 : 8 10 KUČIĆ V. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:14 10 KUČIĆ V. rebound (offensive)
06:17 2 SHORTER S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:33 29 BOŽIĆ L. assist
06:3312 : 5 46 RAMLJAK M. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:43 9 ŽGANEC K. rebound (defensive)
06:46 7 TIŠMA B. missed 2 points (jump shot)
06:56 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. foul on
06:56 9 ŽGANEC K. foul (personal)
07:12 46 RAMLJAK M. assist
07:129 : 5 14 MAZALIN L. made 2 points (dunk)
07:18 46 RAMLJAK M. steal
07:18 7 TIŠMA B. turnover (ballhandling)
07:327 : 5 46 RAMLJAK M. made 2 points (layup)
07:32 46 RAMLJAK M. rebound (offensive)
07:39 29 BOŽIĆ L. missed 2 points (layup)
08:03 10 KUČIĆ V. assist
08:035 : 5 2 SHORTER S. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:23 29 BOŽIĆ L. assist
08:235 : 2 14 MAZALIN L. made 2 points (layup)
08:333 : 2 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. made 2 points (hookshot)
08:533 : 0 46 RAMLJAK M. made free throw (1of1)
08:53 46 RAMLJAK M. foul on
08:53 3 SULLIVAN L. foul (personal)
08:532 : 0 46 RAMLJAK M. made 2 points (layup)
08:56 46 RAMLJAK M. steal
08:56 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. turnover (bad pass)
09:03 3 SULLIVAN L. rebound (defensive)
09:06 29 BOŽIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:26 19 LAKIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
09:29 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. missed 2 points (jump shot)
09:35 10 KUČIĆ V. rebound (defensive)
09:38 9 ŽGANEC K. missed 2 points (jump shot)
09:42 29 BOŽIĆ L. foul on
09:42 10 KUČIĆ V. foul (personal)
09:58 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. jumpball (lost)
09:58 14 MAZALIN L. jumpball (won)
start of 1. quarter
game started
BOŽIĆ L in starting lineup
RAMLJAK M in starting lineup
ŽGANEC K in starting lineup
LAKIĆ A in starting lineup
MAZALIN L in starting lineup
LJUBIČIĆ K in starting lineup
TIŠMA B in starting lineup
SHORTER S in starting lineup
SULLIVAN L in starting lineup
KUČIĆ V in starting lineup
end of 2. quarter
00:0144 : 31 19 LAKIĆ A. made 3 points (jump shot)
00:03 7 VUJAČIĆ P. rebound (defensive)
00:07 3 DAVIS JR J. block
00:07 11 VUKO T. missed 2 points (jump shot)
00:28 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. rebound (defensive)
00:30 3 DAVIS JR J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:46 7 VUJAČIĆ P. substitution (in)
00:46 20 MEKIĆ A. substitution (out)
00:46 1 PERKOVIĆ T. turnover (outofbounds)
00:47 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. rebound (defensive)
00:50 20 MEKIĆ A. missed 2 points (jump shot)
01:14 20 MEKIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
01:16 KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:35 2 SHORTER S. steal
01:35 9 ŽGANEC K. turnover (ballhandling)
01:41 20 MEKIĆ A. steal
01:41 2 SHORTER S. turnover (bad pass)
01:51 11 VUKO T. substitution (in)
01:51 KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (in)
01:51 1 PERKOVIĆ T. substitution (in)
01:51 10 KUČIĆ V. substitution (out)
01:51 8 RUNJIĆ L. substitution (out)
01:51 3 SULLIVAN L. substitution (out)
01:51 19 LAKIĆ A. substitution (in)
01:51 46 RAMLJAK M. substitution (out)
01:51 2 SHORTER S. foul on
01:51 46 RAMLJAK M. foul (personal)
01:51 2 SHORTER S. rebound (defensive)
01:53 46 RAMLJAK M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:04 9 ŽGANEC K. rebound (defensive)
02:06 8 RUNJIĆ L. missed 2 points (layup)
02:2241 : 31 20 MEKIĆ A. made 2 points (jump shot)
02:31 20 MEKIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
02:34 8 RUNJIĆ L. missed 2 points (jump shot)
02:50 8 RUNJIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
02:53 9 ŽGANEC K. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:58 20 MEKIĆ A. rebound (offensive)
03:00 29 BOŽIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:06 20 MEKIĆ A. rebound (offensive)
03:08 20 MEKIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:20 46 RAMLJAK M. rebound (defensive)
03:23 3 SULLIVAN L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:27 3 SULLIVAN L. rebound (defensive)
03:30 20 MEKIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:41 10 KUČIĆ V. turnover (ballhandling)
03:48 2 SHORTER S. substitution (in)
03:48 1 PERKOVIĆ T. substitution (out)
03:48 20 MEKIĆ A. assist
03:4839 : 31 3 DAVIS JR J. made 2 points (layup)
03:52 46 RAMLJAK M. steal
03:52 1 PERKOVIĆ T. turnover (bad pass)
04:14 8 RUNJIĆ L. steal
04:14 29 BOŽIĆ L. turnover (bad pass)
04:23 3 SULLIVAN L. substitution (in)
04:23 0 FUNDERBURK D. substitution (out)
04:36 3 DAVIS JR J. rebound (defensive)
04:39 8 RUNJIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:55 20 MEKIĆ A. assist
04:5537 : 31 3 DAVIS JR J. made 3 points (jump shot)
05:04 29 BOŽIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
05:07 0 FUNDERBURK D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
05:13 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. rebound (defensive)
05:17 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. block
05:17 29 BOŽIĆ L. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:3234 : 31 8 RUNJIĆ L. made free throw (3 of 3)
05:3234 : 30 8 RUNJIĆ L. made free throw (2 of 3)
05:3234 : 29 8 RUNJIĆ L. made free throw (1 of 3)
05:32 8 RUNJIĆ L. foul on
05:32 29 BOŽIĆ L. foul (personal)
05:44 10 KUČIĆ V. substitution (in)
05:44 KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (out)
05:44 1 PERKOVIĆ T. foul on
05:44 20 MEKIĆ A. foul (personal)
05:44 1 PERKOVIĆ T. rebound (offensive)
05:45 KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:48 1 PERKOVIĆ T. rebound (defensive)
05:51 3 DAVIS JR J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
05:58 46 RAMLJAK M. foul on
05:58 KALAJŽIĆ M. foul (personal)
06:14 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. assist
06:1434 : 28 KALAJŽIĆ M. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:38 29 BOŽIĆ L. assist
06:3834 : 25 20 MEKIĆ A. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:50 29 BOŽIĆ L. rebound (offensive)
06:52 9 ŽGANEC K. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:00 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. substitution (in)
07:00 8 RUNJIĆ L. substitution (in)
07:00 11 VUKO T. substitution (out)
07:00 2 SHORTER S. substitution (out)
07:00 9 ŽGANEC K. substitution (in)
07:00 3 DAVIS JR J. substitution (in)
07:00 24 DREŽNJAK D. substitution (out)
07:00 14 MAZALIN L. substitution (out)
07:00 29 BOŽIĆ L. foul on
07:00 11 VUKO T. foul (personal)
07:01 29 BOŽIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
07:04 2 SHORTER S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:2231 : 25 14 MAZALIN L. made 2 points (jump shot)
07:45 2 SHORTER S. assist
07:4529 : 25 1 PERKOVIĆ T. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:0029 : 22 46 RAMLJAK M. made 2 points (jump shot)
08:01 46 RAMLJAK M. rebound (offensive)
08:04 24 DREŽNJAK D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
08:24 29 BOŽIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
08:27 2 SHORTER S. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:46 24 DREŽNJAK D. assist
08:4627 : 22 14 MAZALIN L. made 2 points (dunk)
09:0425 : 22 2 SHORTER S. made 2 points (layup)
09:12 KALAJŽIĆ M. rebound (defensive)
09:15 24 DREŽNJAK D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:38 24 DREŽNJAK D. rebound (defensive)
09:38 KALAJŽIĆ M. missed free throw (2 of 2)
09:3825 : 20 KALAJŽIĆ M. made free throw (1 of 2)
09:38 KALAJŽIĆ M. foul on
09:38 20 MEKIĆ A. foul (personal)
start of 2. quarter
10:00 20 MEKIĆ A. substitution (in)
10:00 19 LAKIĆ A. substitution (out)
end of 3. quarter
00:07 1 PERKOVIĆ T. assist
00:0763 : 40 7 TIŠMA B. made 3 points (jump shot)
00:23 7 TIŠMA B. rebound (defensive)
00:23 24 DREŽNJAK D. missed free throw (2 of 2)
00:23 29 BOŽIĆ L. assist
00:2363 : 37 24 DREŽNJAK D. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:23 24 DREŽNJAK D. foul on
00:23 11 VUKO T. foul (personal)
00:32 46 RAMLJAK M. steal
00:32 1 PERKOVIĆ T. turnover (ballhandling)
00:4262 : 37 9 ŽGANEC K. made free throw (2 of 2)
00:42 46 RAMLJAK M. assist
00:4261 : 37 9 ŽGANEC K. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:42 9 ŽGANEC K. foul on
00:42 3 SULLIVAN L. foul (personal)
00:51 29 BOŽIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
00:51 3 SULLIVAN L. missed free throw (2 of 2)
00:5160 : 37 3 SULLIVAN L. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:51 3 SULLIVAN L. foul on
00:51 24 DREŽNJAK D. foul (personal)
00:57 1 PERKOVIĆ T. rebound (defensive)
01:01 24 DREŽNJAK D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
01:1360 : 36 3 SULLIVAN L. made free throw (2 of 2)
01:1360 : 35 3 SULLIVAN L. made free throw (1 of 2)
01:13 7 TIŠMA B. substitution (in)
01:13 2 SHORTER S. substitution (out)
01:13 3 SULLIVAN L. foul on
01:13 20 MEKIĆ A. foul (personal)
01:13 3 SULLIVAN L. rebound (offensive)
01:13 11 VUKO T. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:31 (defensive)
01:31 46 RAMLJAK M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:50 24 DREŽNJAK D. rebound (defensive)
01:53 3 SULLIVAN L. missed 2 points (jump shot)
02:05 9 ŽGANEC K. assist
02:0560 : 34 24 DREŽNJAK D. made 2 points (jump shot)
02:22 9 ŽGANEC K. substitution (in)
02:22 14 MAZALIN L. substitution (out)
02:22 24 DREŽNJAK D. foul on
02:22 3 SULLIVAN L. turnover (offensive)
02:22 3 SULLIVAN L. foul (offensive)
02:23 2 SHORTER S. rebound (offensive)
02:25 KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:39 2 SHORTER S. foul on
02:39 14 MAZALIN L. foul (personal)
02:5558 : 34 24 DREŽNJAK D. made free throw (2 of 2)
02:55 24 DREŽNJAK D. missed free throw (1 of 2)
02:55 24 DREŽNJAK D. foul on
02:55 11 VUKO T. foul (personal)
03:1557 : 34 KALAJŽIĆ M. made 2 points (layup)
03:21 KALAJŽIĆ M. steal
03:21 20 MEKIĆ A. turnover (bad pass)
03:39 46 RAMLJAK M. rebound (defensive)
03:42 1 PERKOVIĆ T. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:58 20 MEKIĆ A. substitution (in)
03:58 19 LAKIĆ A. substitution (out)
03:58 29 BOŽIĆ L. turnover (bad pass)
04:01 24 DREŽNJAK D. rebound (defensive)
04:03 KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 2 points (layup)
04:04 KALAJŽIĆ M. rebound (defensive)
04:08 19 LAKIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:24 (defensive)
04:24 3 SULLIVAN L. missed 2 points (jump shot)
04:46 11 VUKO T. substitution (in)
04:46 0 FUNDERBURK D. substitution (out)
04:46 24 DREŽNJAK D. substitution (in)
04:46 9 ŽGANEC K. substitution (out)
04:46 1 PERKOVIĆ T. foul on
04:46 19 LAKIĆ A. foul (personal)
04:46 2 SHORTER S. rebound (defensive)
04:50 9 ŽGANEC K. missed 2 points (hookshot)
05:11 9 ŽGANEC K. rebound (defensive)
05:13 0 FUNDERBURK D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:3857 : 32 14 MAZALIN L. made 2 points (layup)
05:42 14 MAZALIN L. foul on
05:42 3 SULLIVAN L. foul (personal)
05:55 KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (in)
05:55 10 KUČIĆ V. substitution (out)
05:55 19 LAKIĆ A. foul on
05:55 0 FUNDERBURK D. foul (personal)
06:01 46 RAMLJAK M. rebound (defensive)
06:04 0 FUNDERBURK D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:2255 : 32 19 LAKIĆ A. made 2 points (jump shot)
06:36 3 SULLIVAN L. substitution (in)
06:36 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. substitution (out)
06:36 (defensive)
06:36 2 SHORTER S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:5453 : 32 14 MAZALIN L. made 2 points (layup)
07:00 9 ŽGANEC K. rebound (offensive)
07:03 46 RAMLJAK M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:07 9 ŽGANEC K. foul on
07:07 1 PERKOVIĆ T. foul (personal)
07:14 14 MAZALIN L. rebound (defensive)
07:16 10 KUČIĆ V. missed 2 points (jump shot)
07:3651 : 32 2 SHORTER S. made free throw (1of1)
07:36 9 ŽGANEC K. foul (technical)
07:37 29 BOŽIĆ L. assist
07:3751 : 31 14 MAZALIN L. made 2 points (jump shot)
07:47 14 MAZALIN L. rebound (defensive)
07:50 1 PERKOVIĆ T. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:57 2 SHORTER S. rebound (defensive)
07:59 29 BOŽIĆ L. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:11 19 LAKIĆ A. steal
08:11 0 FUNDERBURK D. turnover (bad pass)
08:31 29 BOŽIĆ L. assist
08:3149 : 31 19 LAKIĆ A. made 2 points (layup)
08:33 29 BOŽIĆ L. rebound (defensive)
08:35 0 FUNDERBURK D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:46 0 FUNDERBURK D. foul on
08:46 14 MAZALIN L. foul (personal)
08:48 0 FUNDERBURK D. rebound (defensive)
08:50 29 BOŽIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:06 1 PERKOVIĆ T. turnover (outofbounds)
09:21 9 ŽGANEC K. assist
09:2147 : 31 19 LAKIĆ A. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:41 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. turnover (travel)
start of 3. quarter
10:00 10 KUČIĆ V. substitution (in)
10:00 0 FUNDERBURK D. substitution (in)
10:00 11 VUKO T. substitution (out)
10:00 KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (out)
10:00 46 RAMLJAK M. substitution (in)
10:00 14 MAZALIN L. substitution (in)
10:00 7 VUJAČIĆ P. substitution (out)
10:00 3 DAVIS JR J. substitution (out)
game finished
end of 4. quarter
00:24 13 PERKUŠIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
00:27 7 VUJAČIĆ P. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:38 3 DAVIS JR J. rebound (defensive)
00:41 13 PERKUŠIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:51 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. rebound (defensive)
00:54 3 DAVIS JR J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:1877 : 61 7 TIŠMA B. made 2 points (jump shot)
01:35 26 GRBIĆ V. substitution (in)
01:35 24 DREŽNJAK D. substitution (out)
01:35 (24sec)
02:01 22 JAMBROVIĆ P. substitution (in)
02:01 7 VUJAČIĆ P. substitution (in)
02:01 29 BOŽIĆ L. substitution (out)
02:01 19 LAKIĆ A. substitution (out)
02:02 10 KUČIĆ V. assist
02:0277 : 59 13 PERKUŠIĆ A. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:16 13 PERKUŠIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
02:16 19 LAKIĆ A. missed free throw (2 of 2)
02:16 29 BOŽIĆ L. assist
02:1677 : 56 19 LAKIĆ A. made free throw (1 of 2)
02:16 19 LAKIĆ A. foul on
02:16 10 KUČIĆ V. foul (personal)
02:3876 : 56 0 FUNDERBURK D. made 2 points (dunk)
02:47 0 FUNDERBURK D. rebound (defensive)
02:49 24 DREŽNJAK D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
03:10 6 KLARICA K. rebound (defensive)
03:13 0 FUNDERBURK D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:29 13 PERKUŠIĆ A. substitution (in)
03:29 10 KUČIĆ V. substitution (in)
03:29 8 RUNJIĆ L. substitution (out)
03:29 KALAJŽIĆ M. substitution (out)
03:29 6 KLARICA K. substitution (in)
03:29 3 DAVIS JR J. substitution (in)
03:29 46 RAMLJAK M. substitution (out)
03:29 14 MAZALIN L. substitution (out)
03:2976 : 54 46 RAMLJAK M. made 2 points (jump shot)
03:29 46 RAMLJAK M. rebound (offensive)
03:32 19 LAKIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:40 29 BOŽIĆ L. steal
03:40 8 RUNJIĆ L. turnover (bad pass)
03:58 46 RAMLJAK M. assist
03:5874 : 54 14 MAZALIN L. made 2 points (hookshot)
04:1572 : 54 KALAJŽIĆ M. made 2 points (jump shot)
04:24 0 FUNDERBURK D. rebound (defensive)
04:26 29 BOŽIĆ L. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:38 14 MAZALIN L. rebound (defensive)
04:41 KALAJŽIĆ M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
04:53 14 MAZALIN L. substitution (in)
04:53 9 ŽGANEC K. substitution (out)
04:55 7 TIŠMA B. rebound (defensive)
04:57 46 RAMLJAK M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:20 46 RAMLJAK M. steal
05:20 KALAJŽIĆ M. turnover (bad pass)
05:37 9 ŽGANEC K. assist
05:3772 : 52 24 DREŽNJAK D. made 3 points (jump shot)
05:49 0 FUNDERBURK D. substitution (in)
05:49 11 VUKO T. substitution (out)
05:49 9 ŽGANEC K. foul on
05:49 11 VUKO T. foul (personal)
05:49 9 ŽGANEC K. rebound (offensive)
05:49 46 RAMLJAK M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
06:1069 : 52 7 TIŠMA B. made free throw (2 of 2)
06:10 7 TIŠMA B. missed free throw (1 of 2)
06:10 7 TIŠMA B. foul on
06:10 24 DREŽNJAK D. foul (personal)
06:10 KALAJŽIĆ M. rebound (defensive)
06:15 19 LAKIĆ A. missed 2 points (layup)
06:2669 : 51 29 BOŽIĆ L. made free throw (1of1)
06:26 (benchTechnical)
06:26 98 LJUBIČIĆ K. substitution (in)
06:26 3 SULLIVAN L. substitution (out)
06:26 9 ŽGANEC K. foul on
06:26 3 SULLIVAN L. foul (personal)
06:41 KALAJŽIĆ M. assist
06:4168 : 51 7 TIŠMA B. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:51 24 DREŽNJAK D. substitution (in)
06:51 14 MAZALIN L. substitution (out)
06:51 3 SULLIVAN L. foul on
06:51 46 RAMLJAK M. foul (personal)
06:54 3 SULLIVAN L. steal
06:54 14 MAZALIN L. turnover (ballhandling)
07:15 8 RUNJIĆ L. turnover (bad pass)
07:18 3 SULLIVAN L. steal
07:18 14 MAZALIN L. turnover (ballhandling)
07:38 14 MAZALIN L. foul on
07:38 8 RUNJIĆ L. turnover (offensive)
07:38 8 RUNJIĆ L. foul (offensive)
07:52 14 MAZALIN L. assist
07:5268 : 48 9 ŽGANEC K. made 2 points (layup)
08:13 8 RUNJIĆ L. substitution (in)
08:13 1 PERKOVIĆ T. substitution (out)
08:1366 : 48 3 SULLIVAN L. made 2 points (jump shot)
08:21 7 TIŠMA B. rebound (defensive)
08:24 46 RAMLJAK M. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
08:35 29 BOŽIĆ L. foul on
08:35 11 VUKO T. foul (personal)
08:47 1 PERKOVIĆ T. assist
08:4766 : 46 11 VUKO T. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:56 1 PERKOVIĆ T. foul on
08:56 9 ŽGANEC K. foul (personal)
09:1166 : 43 29 BOŽIĆ L. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:24 1 PERKOVIĆ T. assist
09:2463 : 43 7 TIŠMA B. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:44 KALAJŽIĆ M. foul on
09:44 29 BOŽIĆ L. foul (personal)
09:44 11 VUKO T. rebound (defensive)
09:46 46 RAMLJAK M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
start of 4. quarter
10:00 19 LAKIĆ A. substitution (in)
10:00 14 MAZALIN L. substitution (in)
10:00 24 DREŽNJAK D. substitution (out)
10:00 20 MEKIĆ A. substitution (out)

Players on court

3 Davis Jr J. 10:29 5 2 0 0 0 5
6 Klarica K. 03:29 0 1 0 0 0 1
7 Vujačić P. 02:47 0 1 0 0 0 0
22 Jambrović P. 02:01 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Grbić V. 01:35 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 Funderburk D. 22:27 8 6 0 0 2 6
7 Tišma B. 17:50 12 3 0 0 1 12
10 Kučić V. 18:04 3 2 2 0 3 1
13 Perkušić A. 03:29 3 2 0 0 0 4
98 Ljubičić K. 21:03 2 4 1 0 0 6

Last 5 actions

Min Score Action
game finished
end of 4. quarter
00:24 (Q4) 13 PERKUŠIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
00:27 (Q4) 7 VUJAČIĆ P. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:38 (Q4) 3 DAVIS JR J. rebound (defensive)
00:41 (Q4) 13 PERKUŠIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)

Top players

Mazalin L. 25 - 13 Kalajžić M.
Mazalin L. 21 - 12 Tišma B.
Božić L. 7 - 6 Funderburk D.
Božić L. 9 - 5 Perković T.

Match live on TV:

  • Arena Sport 1 BIH
  • Arena Sport 2 CRO
  • Arena Sport 2 SLO
  • Arena Sport 3 MKD
  • Arena Sport 3 MNE
  • Arena Sport 3 SRB
Result Graph
Graphic Stats

Score difference

Team comparison

Shooting chart
  • Made Shot Zadar
  • Missed Shot Zadar
  • Made Shot Split
  • Missed Shot Split

