Jovanović instead of Radović at the bench of Lovćen

Thursday, 15. February 2018 at 17:30

A day following the triumph over Zrinjski, Dragan Radović was released of his head coach duty at Lovćen 1947 Cetinje bench.

Dragan Radovic (Photo: Lovcen 1947)

After the game of the 17th round of the ABA League 2, Radović was informed that he would no longer be the Lovćen 1947 Cetinje head coach.

Until the end of the season, Lovćen 1947 will be led from the bench by former Lovćen player Petar Jovanović, who is delighted to be given the chance to lead the team: “It is a huge honour and a privilege to become the head coach of the club, where I have started my career and where I used to be a senior team member. This at the same time means a huge obligation to me – to answer multiple challenges that working at the club like Lovćen is bringing.”


Jovanović umjesto Radovića na klupi Lovćena

Dan nakon trijumfa nad Zrinjskim Dragan Radović zvanično više nije trener košarkaša Lovćena 1947 Cetinje.

Radoviću je nakon posljednje utakmice 17. kola Druge ABA lige protiv Zrinjskog saopšteno da više neće biti strateg cetinjskog kluba.
Cetinjane će do kraja sezone voditi bivši igrač Lovćena Petar Jovanović, koji je oduševljen šansom koja će mu biti pružena: “Velika mi je čast i privilegija što ću voditi kao prvi trener kluba u kojem sam ponikao i bio prvotimac. Time sam ujedno dobio i veliku obavezu - da odgovorim brojnim zahtjevima koje traži jedan klub kakav je Lovćen.“
